I'm going to assume most of North America has heard about Brock Turner at this point. He brutally assaulted a young woman on the Stanford campus. After having admitted his guilt, a judge sentenced him to less than a year of jail. Turner was then released three months earlier than expected from jail for "good behavior." Here are the incredible lessons I, a female college student, have learned from this proud, American moment.
1. A female student’s education is important but not as important as a male student’s athletic career.
2. If I go out with my friends, I am essentially giving up most of my rights.
3. What I’m wearing is more important than what I am saying.
4. If I’m white enough, rich enough, and privileged enough I can get away with anything.
5. Silence is an answer.
6. College is still a boy’s club—girls are mere visitors.
7. Speaking out doesn’t get you your well deserved justice… but neither will silence.
8. Female students living in fear on college campuses is as normal as hating your dining hall food.
9. Constantly sending your friends your exact GPS location from your iPhone “just incase” is totally chill, normal, and healthy.
10. Rape is forgivable.
11. Women are still a second-class citizen—even on campus.
12. A women’s truth is slightly less valuable than a man’s admission of guilt.
13. It happens and it is okay and we will continue to let it happen.
14. There is nothing we can do about it.
15. Boys will be boys.
16. There is amount of money that can shut anyone up—that will shut Stanford up, that will shut the judge up, and that will shut the jury up.
17. It happens and we will teach young boys and young girls that this is normal.
18. A male ego is equal to or greater than a female’s safety.
19. College is the best four years of your life! Unless you’re sexually assaulted! Which happens to 25% of female students! But live it up!
20. It happens and, I guess, there is nothing we can do about it.
21. If I drink alcohol, if I wear a mini skirt, if I was flirting with him—then it would have to be my fault.
22. Teaching our daughters to live in fear is easier than trying to teach our sons not to rape.
23. Rapists are just misunderstood.
24. What men fear most about going to jail, women fear most about going to college.
25. It happens—men cannot help themselves.
26. It happens and we will watch and complain and do nothing.
27. It happens.
28. It happened.
29. And it will continue to happen.