284 miles. The number of miles between the back roads I grew up on, my favorite breakfast place, the high school I fell in love at- the place I call home, and me.The distance between me and my family, me and my best friends, and between the love of my life and I. Most importantly, the distance between myself and those monumental Erie County winters. Before I visited Bloomsburg University, I had never heard of the little town of Bloomsburg. Mainly because I grew up in the very North-Western regions of Pennsylvania and Bloomsburg is a small little town way East of me- just outside Williamsport. Little did I know, it would be the town I decided to start the rest of my life in.
I was the type of kid who always had an idea of what I wanted to “be” when I grew up- but I was so indecisive. That led to a lot of confusion surrounding my college decisions. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer my sophomore year of high school, it led me to the career path I wanted to follow. I decided to major in Medical Imaging to become a certified Radiation Therapist so I could fulfill my dream of working with cancer patients. It turns out there are not very many colleges with the major, Medical Imaging, in Pennsylvania. I found Bloomsburg just scrounging around on the internet one day, and I decided to apply, pretty much on a whim. Like I said, I had never even heard of Bloomsburg, I knew nothing about it- but college is supposed to be a branching out experience, right? I had only applied to two colleges while I knew of other kids who were applying to as many as ten. I’m not gonna lie, it made me a little uneasy (I have always been one to be super prepared for everything and anything). I got accepted to both schools, and my mom encouraged me to visit each of them, to see what I thought in person. After my first visit, I thought I was sold- I was ready to put in my deposit. But, there was just something about Bloomsburg. It was probably because it was something new, and like many of you, that intrigued me even more. So, my mom, my Grandma, and I decided to take a road trip- 4 hours and 15 minutes to Bloomsburg University. The drive is beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking in the Fall. For those of you who have never been in Eastern PA, it’s filled with mountains and valleys- which results in an amazing view. I visited, and I loved it. I was still a little uneasy about a huge decision like this, and I didn’t pay my deposit until the day it was due- May 1st.
I had an average first year of college. Learning the ropes of living in the dorms and so forth. Made a few friends, joined a few clubs, and got used to the college workload. The first few weeks were a little rocky, as I had never been this far from my family before- but I realized that I really liked it here in Bloom. It reminded me of home. The center of town filled with restaurants, coffee shops, tattoo parlors, and even a local fair.
I used to hate the long drive. I hated the concept of being this far away from my family, from home (as many of you probably know, my family is very close knit). But this year the drive got easier. Bloomsburg feels more like a second home, then just the place I go to college. I have a wonderful group of friends that has become family to me. I even have a favorite place to get breakfast. I have gotten more involved with activities and experiences I never could have imagined being a part of. But most importantly, Bloomsburg is the place where I started to find myself.
284 miles. The distance that allowed me to learn to love myself. The number of miles that made me realize that sometimes you have to say goodbye to some important people in your life in order to follow your own path. It’s the distance that helped me acknowledge the person I want to be and the things I want to do in life. It’s the number of miles that separates me from everything I’ve ever known, and the people I love the most. The distance that uprooted a very special relationship in my life, and led to the hardest goodbye I’ve ever had. But it’s the number of miles that allowed me to meet some amazing people that will always have a place in my heart, and my life. It’s the distance that has allowed me, to become me.
I love the drive.