Homework here, quiz there. I definitely slept through my 1 p.m. class. And then you realize, on that syllabus you casually threw in your folder three weeks ago, there was a mention of a death sentence group project. Your fellow members are probably equally as talented as Kim Kardashian. Life sucks.
From personal experience, I have crafted a list of things more trustworthy than most group project members.
1. Tap water in Mexico.
2. The Titanic.
3. A rattlesnake with a "Pet Me" sign.
4. A middle aged man who "needs help finding his puppy."
5. A wet paper bag.
6. The email that says you just won a cruise.
7. Gas station sushi.
8. Putting your social security number on Facebook.
9. A rodent with Climate Information (@PunxsutawneyPhil).
10. WebMD.
11. "I'll definitely text you later!"
12. Chipotle's "lack" of E-coli.
13. Moccasins in the rain.
14. Donald Trump's wall.
15. Reality TV.
16. "I just left."
17. Hillary Clinton and email access.
18. Someone's number of hookups.
19. New England weather.
20. "Its not you, it's me."
21. The cleanliness of communal bathrooms.
22. People who look nice at Sunday morning brunch.
23. People who use rolling backpacks.
24. Snowden with government information.
25. "Be ready in five."
26. Your ex.
27. A Bigfoot sighting.
28. Wikipedia.
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