Everyone has a best friend that they can completely be themselves with. This friendship is one that will never fade because they will always be there for you: in the good times, the bad times, and everything in-between. You can be as weird as possible without the consequences of judgement. You both love each other and sometimes, announce that you are friendship goals! Here're 28 times you and your best friend were goals af:
1) Staying on FaceTime even after one of you falls asleep
2) Filling one another in on the juicy gossip at each other's schools
3) Planning sleepovers back to back
4) Sharing a bed and not feeling weird about it
And shoving one another over when they cross onto your side of the bed.
5) Ordering the most unhealthy meals together
Matching Wendy's orders or Five Guy's burgers. Either one works!
6) Summer time means driving around with the windows down and the most obnoxious music blasting
7) Complaining to one another about being single![]()
8) Then complaining that this one guy won't leave you alone
9) Giving each other hope when life's got you down
10) Laughing so hard you both snort
And then laughing even harder because you snorted.
11) Practicing makeup looks on one another
12) Buying unnecessary gifts just because you thought of them
13) Giving each other clothes/items you don't use anymore
14) Just being insanely weird together
No one else will ever understand.
15) Scary movie date nights
16) Staying up late to help with assignments![]()
17) You're always excited to see one another, even if you did just see each other 2 days ago![]()
18) You always manage to call one another when one of you is in the bathroom, and even then you don't hang up
19) No matter how bad the fight, you can never stay mad at each other for too long![]()
20) You can communicate with weird noises![]()
21) Texting in all caps even when it's not that important
22) Driving around aimlessly just to talk![]()
23) "I have to fart.... I did it."
24) Fangirling over hot celebrities together
25) Hitting each other in the boob, which causes war
26) Going to the gym together #tbt cause we don't go anymore
27) Your definition of a hang out is staying in bed and watching hours of Youtube videos together
28) Always being there for each other, unconditionally![]()
Shoutout to my bestie, Tori! Thank you for being weird with me :)