Ahhhh, NEPA. Home to many, loved by many, understood by few. Whether you were born and raised there, or you moved in and out of the area, or you're a current resident, there are some things that living in this region has taught you.
1. Explaining where you live is a nightmare since nobody from out of the area has probably ever heard of your town.
2. Odds are if it's sunny outside, you're going to run into construction zones.
3. You don't say Pennsylvania. You say "PA" (Pee-ay), the abbreviation.
4. Interstates 380, 80, 81, and 84 are basically your lifeline if you want to get anywhere.
5. When the highways are backed up, you don't really mind because you know all of the back roads.
6. Knowing that even a seasoned local cannot tell you for sure if Wilkes-Barre is said "Wilkes-Bear," "Wilkes-Berry," or "Wilkes-Bar."
7. Dickson City or The Crossings Premium Outlets in Tannersville are your ultimate shopping destinations.
8. Knowing the University of Scranton as "Da U."
9. Everybody from the local high schools pretty much either dreams of going to ESU, or running like mad away from the place. There is no in-between.
10. You can sing along to all of those radio ads! Monday Tuesday Wednesday, HYUNDAI!
11. Turning to WNEP and listening to good ol' Tom Clark in the backyard tell you the weather forecast.
12. The weather is unpredictable! Below freezing cold winters, humid summers, and rain any time of year are things you can expect in NEPA.
13. Driving through Nay Aug Park around Christmas is your favorite. Some of those houses put the Griswolds in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" to shame.
14. Who am I kidding? Nay Aug Park is awesome all year.
15. Everybody is a Penguins fan!
16. Want to go to a flea market? No worries, you'll definitely find one any day of the week.
17. We find it ridiculously easy to pronounce Native American names such as Tunkhannock, Shamokin, Susquehanna, Nittany, Nesquehoning, Schuylkill, Shenandoah, and so many more.
18. Swerving all over the road to avoid potholes is totally normal. Nobody even bats an eye.
19. One second you'll be in a city, then you'll blink and be driving through farm land.
20. Locals flee the area during race weekend at the Pocono Raceway (or join in on the fun)!
21. It's not a realsummer day unless you get some Manning's Ice Cream.
22. Or you go to Tobyhanna State Park or the Delaware Water Gap and hike.
23. Everybody loves to go to Alice--the graffiti covered hangout under the abandoned Delaware River bridge.
24. The Northeast Extension. Need I say more?
25. Having Jim Thorpe, a popular tourist destination, just miles away has always been the best thing.
26. Accepting that Abington Heights High School will probably win any competition, whether it is basketball, mock trial, you name it.
27. When people from other parts of PA say, "Oh I have a house in the Poconos!" but they cannot remember where in the area if their life depended on it.
28. No matter how far you may roam, the 570 will always have a place in your heart.