It is so hard to believe that I will be starting my junior year soon. It does not seem like I have been away from home for two years now.
1. You no longer care about your first day of school outfit; you are more concerned about your weekend outfit.
2. You are excited to finally be off campus and cook your own meals.
3. You realize it is probably a good time to start thinking about when you can squeeze in an internship.
4. You honestly forget high school was ever a thing.
5. Naps are still a necessity.
6. You are actually starting to take classes related to your major.
7. Being late to class is the least of your worries.
8. The thought that you have to participate in the real world in less than two years begins to frighten you and makes you sick to your stomach.
9. You spend more of your money on pots and pans than little accessories for your dorm room.
10. You have learned to set goals for yourself at the beginning of the semester rather than just assume you will pass.
11. The thought of student loans slowly begins to cross your mind.
12. All that “free time in college” that you heard about no longer exists.
13. The long breaks you used to have for naps and meals now turned into 15 minutes, 20 if you are lucky.
14. You are either basically on your way to being married, or single.
15. You finally realize it is okay to be selfish.
16. Maybe you should create a LinkedIn account.
17. You went from knowing no one on campus, to knowing someone everywhere you turn.
18. You stopped begging your parents for money because you know they will not give it to you.
19. You finally learned time management.
20. But you still procrastinate no matter what.
21. You roll your eyes at people just because. Most of the time you are not even mad.
22. You still call your mom a numerous amount of times because you always have a reason to talk to her.
23. You buy the cheapest school supplies and necessitates because no matter if you have a job or not you are still broke because of bills.
24. You tell yourself you will not spend all day binge watching a new show, but let’s be honest we all know that is a lie.
25. You check your email more than social media to see if class is canceled. But professors don’t really do that as you get older.
26. Let’s be honest. You still put off your laundry till last minute.
27. You spent your whole summer working just to save up money to pay for bills.
28. Suddenly the quantity of friends doesn’t seem to matter as much as the quality.
Overall there are many reasons you know you are about to be a junior in college. But for the most part you are still a struggling, broke college student trying to get by with $5 in your bank account.