These quotes are an ode to my fellow independent women. Here's to those classy, timeless, sassy, passionate ladies who work hard every day in their professional and person lives. This is to the women who are individualistic and take pride in who they are and to those who look to the future with determination and fortitude. To the empowered women who have it all together, as well as those who don't, but never stop striving to be on time and conquer their chaos. Here's to us.
1. Words from the ever-wise Elizabeth Gilbert.
2. Be firm, but not unbending.
3. It's OK to stray from the path.
4. Never stop improving yourself.
5. Determination and hard work go a long way.
6. You might not know how you'll get there, but you'll never find out until you try.
7. It's always a good day to start something new or try again.
8. Start with yourself.
9. Choose to see brightness, not gloom.
10. Ah, F. Scott Fitzgerald, always touching our souls with your words.
11. Do your own thing for you, not anyone else.
12. You are your own person and you belong to you. You choose who can stake any claim on you, never let someone else choose for you.
13. You don't need another half to complete you. You are a complete being. Another person should complement and enhance who you are.
14. Be the storm, not the one seeking shelter.
15. Also be the lion in a world of wolves and sheep.
16. Only with bravery will you soar.
17. Seize your agency.
18.You don't need to know your end goal, but know who you are and who you aspire to be.
19. Remain timeless.
20. Keep killin' it.
21. Keep it classy, but spice it up with a little sass and smart assery.
22. Don't lose your nerve.
23. As Oscar Wilde pointed out, you might as well be yourself, because everyone else is taken.
24. Be your own hero.
25. Take care of yourself first.
26. Not worrying about what other's think is a vital trait that will carry you to greater things in life.
27. Keep your flame alight.
28. Just keep looking forward to brighter things and life's negativity will sink to the shadows behind you.