After living through my freshman year of college there are a lot of things I should be thanking my roommate for. You're the best roomie!
Thank you for....
- Getting up at 11pm when I feel like going on an adventure.
- Driving two hours to a different state at midnight with me because too many people suddenly became annoying.
- Listening to me when something hard has happened, hugging me as I cry, and even crying with me.
- Making me laugh with stupid videos on Twitter.
- Finishing the food on my plate that I always waste.
- Making me a better person.
- Stopping me from doing something stupid.
- Freaking out about exams with me when we forget what chapter it is on.
- Putting up with the fact that I can never find matching socks, and lending me your own when I can only find one clean one.
- Being my partner every time we play a game.
- Counting sheep with me when we can’t fall asleep and laughing with me when I suddenly remember something funny and say the line, “Remember that time…” in the middle of the night.
- Ordering Chinese food with me when we really shouldn’t be.
- Watching, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants three nights in a row because I felt like it was a must at that point in my life.
- For listening to my pun jokes that for some reason only I think are funny.
- Telling it like it is.
- Not always agreeing with me and actually giving me an opinion.
- Telling me when I look dumb and need to change.
- Listening to me rant.
- Helping me with my math homework when I’m sitting there pulling my hair out.
- Being part of my family and ranting to them like you do to me.
- Being a friend that builds me up and doesn’t tear me down.
- Running around like an idiot with me, taking couch cushions from the lobby to make beds for guests.
- Not smacking me every time I got pumped that there was a tour and yelled at them to come to our school.
- Not getting mad when I laugh at you for tripping in the busiest sections of campus.
- All the heart to hearts, the life stories and the funny moments.
- Making college what it is.
- Being my best friend, I can’t thank you enough.