For 18 years you have learned a lot about life, but it has always been defined by other people. For the first time, you are learning things on your own. College definitely has a learning curve but once you grasp the concept life is great. Mostly you learn about what you miss and how you adapt.
1. How much you took your mom’s cooking for granted
You learn after about the first month that the school's cafeteria is just trying to impress you early on and then it goes downhill from there. Then every time you go home your mom always makes your favorite meal and it feels as if you never left.
2. Just how late you can wake up but still make it to your 8 a.m. on time
The beginning of the semester you start out strong. You get up in time to put on your makeup, do your hair, look nice for the day, and even maybe grab some breakfast. Then a couple weeks pass by and soon you find yourself using the snooze button more and more. Suddenly you have it down to a science as to how long it takes you to get to class from your room and then factor in the bare minimum amount of time to get ready.
3. Money is an actual thing
No more asking parents for money. Plus, when living with your parents, you really didn’t go out and spend all that much money because you had food there. In college, going out is a constant and doing things with friends is a must. But so is money, which is not always available.
4. Sleep is just a distant memory
You wake up everyday planning when you can take a nap. Sometimes, those naps never happen.
5. Love-Hate relationship with naps
Remember when we used to be forced to take naps? Yet you hated them? Young and naïve. You say to yourself every day that you will go to bed earlier, but then that thing called homework happens. Luckily, you start to cope with little sleep.
6. The library is more of a social thing
The majority of people go to the library to do homework, but then if most people are there, chances are you end up seeing someone you know. So why start homework when you see your BFF in there that you have not seen for three hours?
7. It is possible to be very involved on campus
College is all about the experiences. That may be experienced on campus and making a difference at the university, or maybe just being super involved in your sorority, fraternity or social club. Either way, it is easy to do multiple things on campus
8. What is free time?
So you are super involved and that is great! Unfortunately, you find out that you have class until the afternoon, then one meeting and another after that. Next thing you know, it is 10 p.m. and it is your first time back in your room. Keep your head up, you can do it!
9. Whataburger and Happy Hour or half price shakes are your go to snack
I mean duh. That one is pretty self-explanatory. Long day? Go to sonic. Aced a test? Sonic. Hungry at 10:30 at night? You wait 30 minutes to go get a Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit.
10. You wish money was as constant as T-shirts are
It is actually impossible to do something and not get a t-shirt, long sleeve, pullover or jacket. You probably have multiple spots in your room designated for t-shirts. They take over your life, but it honestly is a great thing.
11.Netflix/ Hulu Plus is a lifeline
Miss one of your favorite shows? No worries. After you do #9, you continue rewarding yourself by watching an episode, or maybe 2 or 10. Plus, you are always able to throw it back to your favorite shows and never have to miss them.
12. College discounts are actually life
Eat at Rosas’s for $.53 with student ID? Yes please. Not to mention all the discounts at stores, and Spotify. College discounts are what makes you never want to graduate. Graduate school anybody?
13.There is that one restaurant in town that you are constantly craving no matter the day or time
Usually, that craving comes on a day when it is closed. It is the first place you go when you get back to campus and the last place you go before you leave. You even go there multiple times a week. Went there yesterday, but somebody asked you to go the next day? The answer is definitely yes.
14.Talking to your parents is a very relaxing thing
They know everything that is going on in your friend group but you do not have to worry about them saying anything to anyone. When you are walking across campus and don’t have anything to do, give your mom or dad a call. It is guaranteed to make their day, and to help make your day a little bit brighter.
15. Roommates are a blessing
They see you at your weirdest but they continue to live with you and love you. Plus, they are always down to go get food with you at any time, and are the perfect distraction from homework.
16. These friends really will be lifelong
They know all about your stupid mistakes and continue to love and cherish you. If they always agree to your crazy ideas, why ever get rid of them? Sometimes these friends even know you better than you know yourself.
17. Dry shampoo is a definite yes
Don’t have time to shower but have already worn a ton of hats? Dry Shampoo. It is a time saver and it honestly works very well.
18. College really is everything people make it out to be
It is and yet it is so much more than you can ever imagine. That is all.
19. It is not life or death if you miss or skip a class.
When I missed my first class, I thought my life was ending. Don't make it a habit, but stuff happens.
20. Time management is there somewhere
Sometimes being super busy helps you realize how organized you really have to be.
21. Nobody has it all out together
It is okay to cry, to scream, to curl up and definitely okay to take a nap. If you think someone has it all together, chances are they are just very, very good at not showing it.
22. People will walk out of your life
Whether it is a sudden thing or drastic, not everyone sticks around for the long haul. It is okay. Chances are when one person leaves they are making room for more people to come into your life. The ones that stick around are the ones that are worthy of your affection.
23. Jobs are actually desirable
Relate to #3. Job=money. But a job also means references and experience that you can put on a resume. Which then can lead to an internship. Then you are a big kid and out of college and have a job!
24. College Towns are what you make of it
Whether your college is in the biggest or smallest city, there is always stuff to do. The best memories are the ones that you make yourself with your friends. Get out of the pattern of doing the same thing over and over again.
25. Coffee is a necessity
It may not be coffee, but there is that one drink that we cannot go without. The coffee (or drink) becomes a lifeline and if you go a day without it, you aren’t sure if life could get any worse.
26. Emotions come in abundance
There are times and days where all you can do is cry. College really gets you to reveal emotions you didn't know you had, which just means you are growing and getting to know yourself better.
27. Change is constant
You learn about change. You learn about you while you are on this adventure known as college. About how to live life independently. You learn how to adapt to those around you. Accept the change and be the change.