There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that wake up with the sun, and those that buy black out shades so they can sleep until noon. I am the latter of the two. I have somehow decided that sleep is best suited for the the hours between 1:30 am and noon the following day. Being this nocturnal means you thrive at night. When everyone is putting on PJ's and brushing teeth, you are just starting a movie. When its ten o'clock on a school night, you are just deciding to crack open your textbook, for homework due tomorrow. Now don't be confused. Night owls are fully capable of getting up with all you early birds, we just choose not to given the chance. We simply thrive at night. Instead of feeling fatigued, we catch a second wind that propels us into the early morning. However, most of the population isn't as enamored with our sleep schedule and so we are left in a pickle. So, without further ado, here are 27 struggles night owls face on the nightly.
1. Never having the same sleep schedule as your roomie. When they are waking up, you are heading to bed.
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2. Feeling a lot like Elsa...
3. Attempting to wake a night owl before they're ready is like picking a fight with an angry bear:
4. Similarly, when your mom attempted to wake you up for school, it looked exactly like Lindsey Lohan in "Freaky Friday".
5. Your alarm clock doubles as your arch nemesis.
6. You suddenly catch your second wind around 10 pm and have way more energy than you know what to do with.
7. When you find yourself consumed in a really good book, you will tape your eyes open in order to finish it.
8. Along the same lines, even if its three am you have to force yourself to close out of netflix and turn off your laptop.
9. When you are forced to wake up before eight there is a high probability people will see you walking around like this:
10. It's 2 am and your friends are ready to call it a night but your mindset says:
11. You loath restaurants whose hours aren't in cahoots with your sleep schedule.
12. Trying to fall asleep before 11 pm just ends up in you blinking absentmindedly at the wall.
13. You're always the last to fall asleep at sleepovers.
14. Coffee is a God sent for when you have to wake up much earlier than is appropriate.
15. Sleeping-in is a regular occurrence.
16. You just laugh when people think you can't pull an all-nighter.
17. Nap time is almost always on the schedule.
18. Its not only hard to wake up early because you went to bed late, but because you and your bed have a strong long term relationship.
19. Its midnight and you want to discuss the importance of Robert Pattinson's jawline, but your roomie is just like:
20. Emergency: The sun is peaking through the blinds and attempting to pull you from your slumber! No worries, just roll over and keep on snoozin'.
21. When your parents tell you you're being irresponsible by going to bed so late:
22. When you constantly get: "Sh**, it's literally impossible to get you up on the weekends".
23. When it's 9:45 pm and your buddy is like "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed". You're reaction is:
24. Late night shows should be dedicated to you.
25. You know if you text a night owl "You up?", the answer will always be yes.
26. You always go to bed after your roomie. This usually ends with you apologizing for making noise stumbling around the dark room.
27. Finding other fellow night owls to party the night away with is a cause for celebration.
If you're a night owl, or you know of someone who is, just understand they are normal too. They just like to do most of their activities after the sun goes down.