Growing up in the Beehive State is no boring feat. A state that is featured in every nature documentary for its allure and beauty is bound to lead to some grand adventures, and some great human growth. The culture, however, is something of an entirely different nature. Everyone has their own unique experience based on what spectrum of this culture they grew up on, but everyone can relate to a few things.
1. You get lost without the mountains as a guide.
Basically wherever you go in Utah, you are in a valley. They aren't just beautiful landscapes, they are a compass. Sadly, as soon as the sun sets, you are like a lost child in Costco again. Wandering into other states beyond the mountains equals confusion and misdirection for Utahns.
2. You own a pair of Jesus sandals.
Also known as Jerusalem cruisers, these fabulous shoes can be seen on everyone from athletes to fashion forward sock and sandal wearers. There really is no way to go wrong with a pair.
3. People assume you are Mormon.
Whether you are one, or you were one of the only 10 in your school who wasn't, you definitely have been affected by this generalization. No, Mormons don't have horns. Yes, most are very nice and normal people. No, not everyone in Utah is one.
4. The college rivalry is huge.
As a child, you don't really know about Dixie State, Utah State, Westminster, Utah Valley or any of the other great schools in Utah because of the "Holy War" rivalry between Brigham Young University and University of Utah.
5. Snowboarding vs skiing makes great small talk.
They start you young in the state known for "the greatest snow on Earth!" First day of school introductions regularly include which side you pledge to, accompanied by a debate regarding the best way to truly get down a mountain.
6. Minivans. Minivans everywhere.
This just comes with the Mormon territory. You most likely were forced to drive to school in one your sophomore year, as well.
7. Everyone with a camera is a "photographer."
Usually these photos will be taken on a railroad, in a field, or by the nearest lake. With so much beauty in Utah, who can really blame them for wanting to take as many pictures as possible?
8. Your high school had a dress code.
Utah schools have made some appearances on national news for this very reason. The dress code debate has always been an issue in the home and at school. If you weren't ever "coded," did you really even live as a teen?
9. In n Out is considered one of the best things to ever happen.
Although it originated in California, Utahns are proud to be a part of the West Coast for this very reason. You also grew up positive that Utah is the reason the world was gifted with fry sauce.
10. You have no idea what "Greek life" is.
Sororities and fraternities were a foreign concept until you ended up at a college that included them.
11. You have a basement.
When you go to your cousin's house in California you get very concerned that they have no room for food storage or a decent place to play hide and seek.
12. You "spring break" in St. George.
If you are from Utah and you are looking for a cheap getaway for spring break, you go to St. George. Although it is in a less populated part of Utah, everyone and their dog from your high school will be there, more than ready to meet up at the top of Dixie Rock and keep its tradition going.
13. You are under 20 and at least five of your closest friends are married.
There really is no reason for this. It isn't even a Mormon thing. There is just something in the water here.
14. Camping and hiking gives you life.
Drive 10 minutes in any direction and you will find yourself at the base of a beautiful mountain trail or alongside a lake or stream. Nothing feels better to you than finding yourself on the top of the world (mountain).
15. Funeral potatoes are the bomb.
A delicious dish full of cheesy potatoes that are not always necessarily served at funerals. Easy and cheap to make a large amount so perfect for those big families or block parties.
16. You have gone on a date to see the lights at Temple Square.
Another thing that Mormon culture and religion brings to Utah is its beautiful temples. Everyone can appreciate the incredible architecture and artistry of the massive buildings. In addition to the beauty, it also gives a great opportunity to get that someone special to snuggle up to you with a cup of hot chocolate sold by local street vendors in hand.
17. Coffee isn't the highest sold drink at Starbucks.
One double chocolaty chip crème frappuccino, soy milk steamer and a hot chocolate please!
18. Your prom group went on a day date.
Because what is better than spending 10 hours with a giant group of awkward couples?
19. Deseret Industries was your Goodwill.
Macklemore's "Thrift Shop" was the song you had been waiting for to better describe how slick you felt finding some killer high tops or a limited edition Beanie Baby at the D.I.
20. Shopping on Saturdays is the absolute worst.
I dare you to go into a Walmart in Utah at 10 p.m. on a Saturday. I dare you.
21. You experience all four seasons in the same day.
You are very used to bipolar weather.
22. You are a pro when it comes to driving in the snow.
You suck at it the rest of the year and have almost hit a deer on several occasions, but you don't need those lame snow tires to keep you out of an accident.
23. You have driven to Wyoming to buy illegal fireworks.
24. Celebrating a holiday on a Saturday if it landed on a Sunday.
If you moved from a different state that was "normal," you had to quickly get accustomed to celebrating Halloween on a different day than the rest of the country.
25. You've been bridge jumping/cliff diving.
In a state full of gorgeous rivers, lakes and very hot summers, you've had your fair share of adventurous moments where you have dropped everything to go jump into a freezing body of water.
26. You have an interesting way of swearing.
Oh my freaking heck! I can't stinking believe that my dang car is completely covered in snow! Shoot.
27. You vow to never live in Utah again.
Even though you secretly are so grateful to have grown up here and it will always have a place in your heart.