College campuses, city streets, bars, restaurants, neighborhood grocery stores; I have been around the world to different countries, different states and different cities and yet, I have not found a place where catcalling and the demoralizing of women has ceased to exist. Some adamantly argue that women ask for it by their appearance or that women actually like it. Well, to anyone who has ever “cat-called” a woman, and yes, whistling at a female by-passer counts, I am speaking for most, if not all, women when I say stop, please. This is a form of harassment women should not have to deal with on a daily basis.
So please, next time you feel the urge to yell out something objectifying to a female you do not know, consider these 27 things before preceding.
1. That is a female human being and not a cat.
2. That is a female human being and not a dog or any other type of animal.
3. We will not respond to a whistle (see points 1 & 2 above).
4. We will not be flattered by an objective statement yelled at us, such as “ooo baby, you looking good” or “damn girl.”
5. That is someone’s daughter.
6. That is someone’s mother, sister, cousin, friend or girlfriend.
7. Would you say, “Ooo baby, you looking good“ to your mother, sister, cousin, friend or girlfriend?
8. How would you feel if someone else said, “Ooo baby, you looking good” to your mother, sister, cousin, friend or girlfriend?
9. This is a real life human being.
10. Women are not a pieces of meat.
11. If we do not reply to your initial kissing sounds, it is not an invitation to continue.
12. If we do not reply to your eyebrow movements followed by some assertive stares, this is also not an invitation.
13. It’s dehumanizing.
14. If we are wearing shorts, it is because it is hot outside and not an invitation to shout something suggestive toward us.
15. If we are wearing a tank top, this is also not an invitation to shout something suggestive toward us.
16. If we decide to wear an article of clothing of any sort, this is once again not an invitation to shout something suggestive toward us.
17. Females are human beings.
18. It is degrading to us.
19. We will, 10 out of 10 times, feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.
20. If you see a female walking by herself, she is not waiting for you to shout some crude remark at her.
21. We are more than likely frightened by your verbal words as we do not know your next intentions.
22. By yelling something derogatory to us, you are, indeed, taking part in street harassment.
23. It is not kind.
24. Women are real life people.
25. We don’t find it complimentary or flattering.
26. It increases body shame, depression and fear of social interactions for women.
27. We are human beings, and It's not OK.
Now, I am not saying you should never compliment a girl or speak to a girl again. In fact, most girls swoon over genuine (key word: genuine) compliments and respectful gestures. It just means maybe shouting out “ooo baby” while driving by us is not the best choice of interaction.
Try saying ”hello” next time.
Amazing what respecting women can do!