What is happiness? That is a question that many of us ask ourselves daily. Nonetheless, happiness is something we all obviously want to achieve, but is also something that is so difficult to achieve for what feels like 10000 reasons why.
But here are 27 reasons to be happy today. So, just be grateful for the day you have been given, and try to reflect on what your reasons are to be happy today. And most importantly, just keep smiling! Can you add anything to this list?
1. Sunsets
2. Reading a good book
3. A long beach nap (with sunscreen)
4. Deep conversations with friends
5. Trying something new
6. Listening to your favorite songs
7. Feeling loved
8. Star gazing
9. Fresh flowers
10. Feeling welcomed
11. Traveling to a new place
12. Watching a good movie
13. Letting go of toxic things
14. Hugs
15. Laughing
16. Road trips
17. Bonfires
18. Being complimented
19. Fireworks
20. Hearing a baby laugh
21. Smiling
22. Dogs
23. Falling asleep to the sound of rain
24. Taking photos
25. Enjoying a cup of coffee
26. Good friends
27. Being appreciated
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