I prompted people that I know and love to tell me what advice they would give to someone struggling with their body image. The answers were as follows:
P.s. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all of the men and women of varying ages, genders, colors, sexuality's, and of course, body types, for being vulnerable with me. I hope you all know just how beautiful you are. Your words changed me, I know they will do the same for others.
1). Realize that you are more than just a pretty face or an amazing bod; you are SO much more than that. You may have a brilliant mind full of brilliant ideas, have a contagious laugh that can get a whole room laughing with you, or even have a way of using your words to help the people around you. You are a unique piece of art, handcrafted to live the life of your choosing. And you better treat that art with care and love.
2). I used to struggle with my body image and people tore me down a lot, once I got older, and people saying that stuff made me feel so low, and I just tried to be comfortable with myself. And honestly once I felt comfortable with my own body, and who I was, it really helped, and people stopped their snarky comments. Being happy with who YOU are and not what people want you to be is the most valuable piece of advice I was ever given!
3). The most imperative piece of advice I could give someone is to stop letting society define you...You need to define who you are without all the negative stereotypes that surround us. If you like where you are at a size 14 then rock it. That will be the BEST you you can be in that moment and screw anyone who thinks differently.
4). The most rewarding thing you can do, is love yourself.
5). People need to hear this. You are beautiful. You are unique, you have a purpose and you are loved. Beauty is not about a perfect nose, hairless body, and skinny thighs. That is adopted by our culture. Fashions come and go but a heart full of love and kindness is the most beautiful of all and remains unchanged forever.
6). Your body is simply a vessel. You could have been born into any human form, with characteristics that you cannot change: height, skin color, and facial features are some examples. The body that you were born into has an expiration date. Don’t waste this life on the things that you cannot change. Embrace the body you have, because it is the only one that you get.
7). Body "image" is a mind game. My favorite quote that i literally apply to everything is my home-girl Eleanor Roosevelt: NO one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
8). Block out the noise! There is always going to be someone or something that tells you you’re not enough or you’re too much. Ignore that rubbish and let the only competition be with yourself.
9). I hated my body for 19 years and nothing changed. It wasn't until i learned to love myself for who i was and what i could be that i finally changed.
10). I always thought my body was never good enough so I tried to work on it to no end, until I realized as long as I'm happy with my health, the appearance of my body shouldn't matter to anyone who wants to know me. I believe everyone has a special and unique gift to give to the world and eventually their significant other. That gift is so much more complex and important than any physical attribute anyone possessed.
11). Health is not just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying.” This opened my eyes to how damaging my thoughts about myself actually were to my mental health. I realized that I eat well and exercise everyday but never considered myself good enough to speak or think of myself with respect. I believe the key to self love is to be conscious of how you speak to yourself, tell yourself that you are good enough, and tell yourself that you’re beautiful. Eventually, you will believe it!
12). Have faith in yourself that you can accomplish anything that you truly put your heart and mind to. Don't let other people's words and opinions affect who you are or turn you into someone that society thinks is perfect. Be who you are and embrace it.
13). As someone who has been engaged in many physical activities involving the human anatomy, I have learned that everyone is built differently. With that in mind, I have focused on optimizing my body image in a way that demonstrates the hard work I put in to making it look and feel the way that makes me happiest.
14). Everybody is different, and every body is different. Everyone is under construction.
15). I've always made it a priority to dismiss thoughts about body image because I offer and owe so many great thoughts and ideas to the world, to other human beings, why be selfish and waste it up thinking about my body's image? An image is an imitation, a duplicate...No one has time for fakes.
16). I don’t think even the most confident of people are 100% confident in their skin all the time, but they know the secret – No one is. Why not flaunt who you are and celebrate while you’re here. Know that like any loving relationship, loving your body takes a constant effort, and sometimes in an argument, it’s better to just get over the fight so you can move forward with the loving.
17). After I had my babies I really felt pretty amazing despite my inflated balloon of a belly and engorged breasts, there was something about knowing that I grew a tiny little human in there that allowed me to embrace the change that came with it.
18). Ever since having my first child at 25 years old last year I was overcome with a new appreciation for the body I have...Every stretch mark reminds me of the life I grew inside of me, every dimple from that weight gain reminds me I nourished that life growing inside me, and every time I look in the mirror I'm reminded I need to love this vessel.
19). For me I think the most important thing is that accepting and loving yourself takes practice. Sometimes you can only find one thing you love, but if you hang onto that and practice loving that one thing every day, you start finding other things to love...you don't have to hate yourself to want to change. Change motivated by self-hatred is much more dangerous than it is helpful. You can be kind to yourself and still want to make a change.
20). The moment I began to slowly embrace all of the things that made me different was the moment I agreed to be free...It has been a journey of realizing that self love is curated by personal acceptance, freedom, and imperfections. I exercise because it is good for me, and endorphin's are my best friends. I drink water to ensure I am hydrated. I meditate because it allows me to feel calm. I started to listen to myself, my body, and what I needed instead of forcing detoxes or an unwanted dry salad.
21). That journey of self love never ends, but I think it's important to remember that at the end of each day, no matter what your social or economic situation, you have yourself. And to be able to sustain yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the greater good of ensuring your own radiance, sans validation, is the best gift to give yourself.
22). I think it all starts with loving yourself for who you were born to be and if your unhappy with a specific body part or your body as a whole make positive changes to go in a healthier direction...There is always hope for healing and I believe that through shedding light on your challenges and struggles it can only help! I believe that God created us all for exactly what we are supposed to be and we can only find true rest and satisfaction in him. He guides me and helps me everyday with all the big and little struggles!
23). At 22, I’m still fighting the “bad voice” in my head every day. I fluctuate constantly between admiring myself and thinking I am worthless and/or repulsive. I have struggled in the past with basing my body image strictly on external validation. My advice to anyone who does the same, is that others’ approval is a quick fix; external validation is a well that will never fully quench your thirst. I wish I had better advice for actually ACHIEVING true self love and inner approval, but I’m still trying to figure it out myself.
24). Health is what you should be focusing on during your journey; Getting healthy, staying healthy. If you feel good, you'll look good no matter what shape or size you are, because you'll be glowing and that will be all that matters. Take care of YOU before anybody else. Really.25). Someone who I look up to very much once said, "No one is
unattractive unless they believe they are." That quote honestly changed my life. I went to the mirror everyday after that and told myself I was beautiful just the way I am until I believed it...I fell in love with my body, face, and mind. I accepted myself for who I was in my own skin from that point on.
26). Live for yourself. Everyone is beautiful in their own way...Wear what makes you comfortable, eat the foods you like, laugh as loudly as you want. It's a journey that lasts a lifetime, but it is so worth it.
27). You cannot change the past, and frankly, who would want to? It helped create the person you are now -- a person who is beautiful, strong, and learning. Anyone can start from this second and make the choice to be a better, healthier version of themselves. I commend you, I believe in you, and I am your biggest fan.