Note: This article is for pure entertainment and humor. Please do not be offended if a certain phobia that you may have been diagnosed with is listed below.
Fear is in the nature of human beings. Humans are scared of many things, common ideas such as death, clowns, heights or even the dark. But many people are unaware of other uncommon phobias. Who knew a person could be scared of bald people or belly buttons? Below is a list of some of the most bizarre phobias that will make you laugh, cry or lose faith in humanity.
1. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words
Well, now I'm scared, too.2. Pentheraphobia: fear of one's mother-in-law
3. Phobophobia: fear of phobias
I can guarantee you'll be scarred by the end of this list.4. Geniphoba: fear of chins
5. Pogonophobia: fear of beards
Dumbledore is very much offended.
6. Alliumphobia: fear f garlic
Is this a vampire thing?
7. Bufonophoba: fear of toads
8. Cibophobia: fear of food
Good luck staying alive.
9. Consecotalephobia: fear of chopsticks
10. Didaskaleinophobia: fear of going to school
For every kid out there.11. Ephebiphobia: fear of teenagers
Hah. Said every parent ever.
12. Euphobia: fear of hearing good news
Wow. How depressing.13. Genuphobia: fear of knees what about elbows?
14. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666
15. Lachanophobia: fear of vegetables
16. Optophobia: fear of opening one’s eyes
How are you getting around without injuring yourself?
17. Ouranophobia: fear of heaven
I thought Euphobia was bad.18. Paraskaverdekatriphobia: fear of Friday the 13
19. Soceraphobia: fear of in-laws
For every married couple.20. Pteronophobia: fear of being tickled by feathers
They have a word for this?
21. Syngenesophobia: fear of relatives
Family reunions must be terrible.22. Teleophobia: fear of definite plans
The life of an average procrastinator.23. Urophobia: fear of peeing
Is that even possible?24. Omphalophobia: fear of belly buttons
You're scared of something that kept you alive when you were a fetus?
25. Peladophobia:- Fear of bald people
No one ever said hair loss was easy.
26. Chrometophobia: fear of money
Only question I can ask — why?!27. Panophobia: fear of everything
I've been diagnosed with everything on this list, and I'm sure you've been, too.