Being a young woman attending a university, the pressures can sometimes be overwhelming. From school to friends to love to future careers – it can feel as if the world is crashing in. But there is one specific pressure that takes the cake: Outer beauty. We live in a society so obsessed with outer beauty that it can create self-esteem issues and unnecessary pressures. Has it always been this way? Of course, be confident in your outer appearance and own the way you look, but try not to make it your top priority. Here is the truth: There is so much more to you than how you look on the outside, so try focusing your energy on some of these things that are not surrounded on your outer appearance.
1. Your ability to love others.
How amazing is it that we as humans have the capability to love? So love as much as you can. It could change the dynamic of the world we live in if we all showed more love.
2. Your ability to be kind to those around you.
Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know the scars someone may be hiding.
3. That you can cry.
This proves you are human. This proves you have a heart.
4. That you have a mind that can consume unlimited amounts of knowledge and learn from it.
Knowledge is a powerful force and something that can be taken for granted. Consume as much knowledge as you can in your time here.
5. That you can laugh.
Laugh every day.
6. The qualities that make you, YOU.
Your powerful, intelligent, humorous, creative, well-rounded, grateful, kind spirit.
7. That we all have unique talents that we can use to impact the world around us.
Change the world with that voice or athletic talent or ability to create art or mental capacity.
8. That you have your own morals and values that help determine life choices.
Whether it be respect, courage, honor, loyalty or any moral, own your morals. Do not let society change what you believe to be right.
9. How you are able to pursue that makes you passionate.
Chase your dreams. Cliche? Maybe. But, it is so important to spend your life chasing what you want.
10. Your ability to see all the beauty the world has to offer.
Stars, oceans, mountains, cities, people, animals. Look around you right now. There is beauty in every corner. It is whether you choose to see it or not.
11. Your ability to hear your favorite song.
Some are not fortunate enough to hear their favorite song, so do not take it for granted.
12. Your ability to taste your favorite foods and drinks.
A life of being able to taste waffles, cookies, and strawberries sounds pretty darn wonderful.
13. Your ability to touch.
Whether that is to comfort someone who needs a hug or kiss someone you love.
14. Your ability to take naps and rest.
Sleep is important. Give yourself enough time to rest.
15. Your undeniable courage.
16. That if you are unhappy with your outer appearance, you are strong and capable of making a change.
If you want to make a change, DO IT. Life is too short to be anything less than happy.
17. Your ability to give.
Give material goods, give your heart to others and give to the world. It will come back and benefit you later.
18. You have eyes to binge-watch your favorite TV shows.
Even all 13 seasons of Grey's Anatomy? Yes.
19. Your sense of adventure.
Live life with adventure as a priority. You never want to look back and regret not having them.
20. Your open mind.
Be open to those around you and try to listen to others' opinions. No, you do not have to agree, but listening does so much.
21. Your ability to get on a plane and travel to somewhere new, fresh and different.
How amazing is it that we have this beautiful opportunity.
22. The fact that you have legs that can hike mountains, swim in water and jump on trampolines.
Do as much of this as you can.
23. That you have lips for kissing.
Who doesn't love kissing?
24. Your contagious spirit.
Let people get to know your spirit.
25. Your lively soul.
Let people get to know your soul.
26. That you can communicate with animals – especially cuddling puppies.
If ever sad, go find a puppy and cuddle, cuddle, cuddle.
27. Your beautiful, unwavering, perfect, amazing and adventurous heart.
You deserve every ounce of happiness. Once you shift your focus toward your inner beauty, your outer beauty reflects on that. Once you achieve inner beauty, it is something that will never vanish. It will impact those around you. Therefore, be a light and shine onto those around you. Be confident in your outer beauty, but always make it a goal that people get to know your heart and soul above all else.