In sweet home Alabama, there are certain things that everyone knows to be true. From certain foods to the way we talk, there is no denying that you are down in Dixie.
1. Use your manners. Yes sir, No sir. Yes ma'am, no ma'am. Manners will get you a lot farther in life.
2. No one will ever beat momma's cooking. Nobody.
3. There's a festival for everything. Pecan, Azalea, Chocolate, Hot Air Balloon. You name it, there's a festival. And you better believe that the whole town will be out there.
4. There are three seasons in the Alabama: Hurricane, Football, and Hot.
5. You always lie about the size of the fish you got. Even if you don't mean to. There will always be a bigger fish story than the fish itself.
6. You know someone who goes by Bubba. Everyone who knows him calls him Bubba.
7. Nascar is a sport. If you disagree, you will probably be shunned. Another left turn!
8. As far as potlucks go, someone is bringing some type of salad. Chicken, potato, egg, pasta. Sometimes, there will be all of them.
9. If you plan something outside, find an indoor place for backup because it's probably going to rain.
10. One person: you. Two or more: y'all.
11. There will never be enough bug spray for the mosquitoes. The little blood suckers are everywhere.
12. Football is one of the most sacred things in the south. Especially the Iron Bowl. People plan their weddings and events around it.
13. Granny's house will always be your safe haven, no matter what.
14. You know where to find a large body of water, whether it be a pool, river, or beach.
15. Walmart is the best place for reunions. You can't leave without seeing at least one person you know. And if you don't see anybody, there's probably a festival going on.
16. Hurricanes. Enough said.
17. You know the best place to get a burger, and it isn't McDonald's.
18. Being barefoot 80 percent of the time while growing up. 60 percent now that you're grown up.
19. We go all out for Christmas. There are parades, lights on every corner, and Christmas trees everywhere.
20. Every single restaurant serves seafood. Every single one. And when there is seafood, there is either hush puppies or grits.
21. Mardi Gras is the only time you can be drunk in the morning, and no one will question it.
22. You know you were in trouble when someone called your full name. Bonus points if you have two middle names or if you're a junior.
23. You know where all the good bonfire spots are.
24. Going to the flea market never buy anything, but just to go.
25. Southern weddings are intense. You won't see 14 bridesmaids up north. Odds are they will be in cowgirl boots and the groomsmen will probably be in jeans.
26. You cringe when someone tries to fake a southern accent. No. Just stop. *bless your heart*
27. You know that where ever you go, Alabama will always welcome you home.
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