America's Sweetheart, the one and only, Taylor Swift. She is your idol, role model, encourager, and friend (well, at least, on facebook). She has been there for you through it all. There is not one song of Taylor Swift's that you don't relate to. You feel as if there is a bond between you and Taylor that is unbreakable. It's creepy. You are actually convinced that Taylor Swift has written songs about your life on more than one occasion. You love Taylor for so many reasons, but this is a short list of ways you know you're a little too obsessed with Taylor Swift. It's fine though, everyone is.
1. You ask yourself, What Would Taylor Do?
2. Red is your favorite color.
3. You refer to her as Taylor.
4. You have openly admitted to wishing you were Taylor Swift or her best friend or even, just the person who takes her trash out.
5. You own every one of her CDs from Fearless to 1989.
6. And you will never be able to choose a favorite, because they are all so perfect.
7. You loved 'Country Taylor,' just as much as you love 'Hipster Taylor."
8. You cry every time you hear "the Best Day."
9. You love Tay's dance moves.
10. You feel like you really know her because you've loved her for so long.
11. You and Taylor agree that every night is the perfect night to dress up like hipsters.
12. You say "Taylor Gang or die," but you aren't talking about converse.
13. You follow her on every single social media network... You're best friends, it's fine.
14. Your heart breaks every time Taylor goes through a breakup.
15. But you rejoice knowing a new album is right around the corner.
16. You will never get over the Kanye incident, like never.
17. "I'm Feelin' 22" is obviously the best caption for your twenty second b-day post.
18. Taylor has a song for literally every mood of yours.
19. You know every word to every song, obviously.
20. You also like to keep up with how Meredith & Olivia (her cats) are doing, but you should know if you're a true Swiftie.
21. You believe Taylor Swift has taught you more than most teachers have.
22. You defend Taylor every time a hater tries to hate, hate, hate, hate.
23. Because really, all they are is mean.
24. You're obsessed with her laugh.
25. You physically become Taylor Swift when Blank Space comes on.
26. Taylor Swift is your role model. She has taught you so much about love, life, happiness, and how to be fearless. And for that, you will forever look up to her.
And we love you, too, Taylor.
XOXO, Swift Nation.