1. They better have sweet potato fries today.
2. If the ice cream machine is broken, it's going to be rough.
3. How many helpings of this can I get before I am judged?
4. This cookie is not as good as it looks.
5. Making a waffle is so stressful.
6. I have to eat here for the next three months.
7. This Chinese food is disappointing.
8. This song playlist is on point today.
9. Cheese sticks are life.
10. I am only going to get two plates dirty.
11. OK, maybe only three.
12. I need my piece of free fruit.
13. Half the football team is here again.
14. Does my name tag on my lanyard make me look like a freshman again?
15. Should I get some soda?
16. Water is probably the best option.
17. I live for desserts.
18. Veggie nuggets have good and not so good days.
19. Why did he get a salad?
20. Where can you even get a salad around here?
21. Who needs vegetables?
22. Carbs forever.
23. I am tired of vanilla ice cream; they need to fix the chocolate kind.
24. I wonder if my favorite employee is working today.
25. I might regret my meal choice later.
26. No I won't #noregrets.