It's that time of year again - finals. The time where students spend hours and hours studying in order to learn everything possible for the exam. At least, that's what we should be doing. But we all know that the majority of us are procrastinating. So, if you were looking for something to do instead of the important studying you should be doing for your test tomorrow, I made a list of possibilities.
1. Sleep
2. Clean your room
3. Clean everything
Cleanliness is next to... studiousness?
4. Plan your holiday shopping list
5. Plan out your studying schedule
Then reward yourself with a break
6. Figure out how many dining dollars you have left
7. Realize that you don't have nearly as much left as you thought
8. Research how many calories you REALLY need to consume to continue function
9. Decide that it is better to give your brain as many calories as possible to survive finals and buy tons of food
Treat yo self
10. Accidentally fall asleep after eating tons of snacks
11. Intentionally fall asleep because "naps help your brain retain information"
12. Pack to go back home
There's a lot of stuff I have to drag home for break. I might as well start packing now
13. Calculate how many hours you have until you can finally leave campus for the semester
In case you were wondering - it's way too many
14. Freak out because you are running out of time to study
15. Watch "just one" episode on Netflix
16. Stare into the abyss
17. Tell yourself that you need to start studying soon
18. Realize you have been saying that for the past five hours
19. Calculate what grade you need on the final to make an A in the class
20. Get a little scared
Not enough to motivate you to study, though
21. Realize that "too much stress" won't help you remember things
22. Research yoga moves you can do in your dorm room "to find your zen before you start studying"
23. Spend an hour watching cute animals do yoga because "it's basically the same thing"
24. Get all your textbooks out and then reward yourself by checking all your social media four times
25. Try to convince yourself that your spotless room needs to be cleaned again
You've cleaned it already...but it could always be cleaner
26. Repeat above as long as possible until the overwhelming stress forces you to begin studying
Happy Finals Season! May the grades be ever in your favor