It's a summer tradition all country fans adore; Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. As warmer weather approaches, we all begin to feel nostalgic, because country concerts are right around the corner! I can already smell the $15 tall boys and sweaty fans.
The environment at Blossom has made this music center our second home during the summer. Here is a list of things you have encountered while at our beloved second home.
1. You have been ready for coney season since the last concert ended.
2. You spend hours doing your hair and makeup to end the night looking horrifying.
3. You wear American everything when Toby Keith comes to town.
4. You turn every kind of car into a tailgating mobile.
5. You chose to buy a Mega Ticket over paying your rent.
6. You'll pay $15 for a tall boy that's worth $2.
7. You know all the good places to pee in the woods.
8. You have stepped in someone else's pee puddle.
9. You have pet the police horses.
10. You arrive to the tailgate five hours before the concert begins.
11. You have recollection of the actual concert.
12. You've waited 30 minutes to use the actual restrooms.
13. You forgot where you parked your car.
14. You have a Blossom squad.
15. You meet "hip" old people.
16. You have encountered the 'swag man.'
17. You made out with someone more than a decade older than you.
18. You have passed out on the lawn.
19. You have missed the opening act because the tail gate is too fun.
20. You have spent your last dollars on an over priced funnel cake.
21. You wear your worst boys to the show because they will be ruined regardless.
22. You wake up the next morning with battle scars.
23. You still pay to see the same artist play every year.
24. You wake up the next morning with 25 Snapchats that didn't post in your story.
25. You make fun of those couples that grind during the entire concert.
Blossom is one of the highlights of many concert lovers during the summertime. It's a good time for all ages and a place where music lovers can come to celebrate warm weather, good beers, and great friends. I know it holds a special place in my heart! I cannot wait for concert season to begin!