Upon returning home, I have been reconnected with my true loves; my cats. In all honesty, I view my cats as my children, and my love for them is truly unending. If you know me, it is VERY likely that you know all about my sweet cats Nora and Scarlett, and have most likely listened to the countless stories of their everyday adventures. That being said, I feel like I am always defending my love for cats to others who do not have the gift of being an owner of these feline friends. Cats have a bad reputation of being disloyal, cold-hearted, and weird. But how wrong these people are!! (Okay I admit cats are weird, you got me there haters) Anyway, I often find myself defending cats, and trying to persuade others on just how awesome they truly are. After countless conversations, I have made a list of my very best arguments on why cats are the best creatures to roam the earth.
- Kittens. Enough saidhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/local/files/2014/10/4-kittens1.jpg
- They feel like little pillows of amazingness
- They freak out at inanimate objects and its hilarioushttps://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/2c81vt/cat_plays_with_balloon/
- Their sleeping faces are so adorablehttp://wallpapershacker.com/wallpaper/cats_animals_keyboards_sleeping_hd-wallpaper-834728.jpg
- When they lick you with their little sandpaper tongues you know what true love feels like
- You have to EARN their love (major shade to dog owners out there)
- They curl up in the funniest wayshttp://sizvideos.com/post/128596819144/cat-sleeps-in-weird-position-video
- They are always down to nap with you
- When they purr its like music to your ears
- They are decedents of the KING OF THE JUNGLEhttp://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/15/article-2324997-19C96C08000005DC-837_634x874.jpg
- 2 words: Laser. Pointer.
- They are always mysteriously warm
- They wake you up in the morning with head nudges and more cuddleshttps://www.tumblr.com/dashboard
- You don’t have to walk them (ps don’t get any ideas, don’t walk your cat, I’ve tried and it was a disaster)
- They are extremely bendyhttp://www.cat-gifs.com/tag/flexible
- You don’t have to bathe them
- But when you try to bathe them its actually really funnyhttp://www.awesomelycute.com/gallery/2015/01/cat-bath-22.jpg
- You don’t have to let them in and out to go to the bathroom
- They play with boxes and its adorablehttp://ministryofgifs.org/post/127572715357
- They are quiet—no loud barking or running through the house
- They always land on their feet (like magic little acrobatics)
- More cats = more cuteneshttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ccB5cFCtAno/UgVG0YgqdII/AAAAAAAAAQs/3rFFgD7N4wQ/s1600/maine-coon-cat-s-portrait-20767.jpg
- Their meows are the cutest sound you will ever hear
- They are beautiful creatureshttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/gL1Wy4pzySg/maxresdefault.jpg
- They don’t give a sh!t
- And lastly, despite what the haters say, they really do love youhttps://www.tumblr.com/tagged/funny-babies
So, there you have it, my full list of why cats are the greatest. And while I am sure there are infinitely more points that could be added to this list, I don’t think anyone would or could read an article that long. In conclusion, to all of the cat haters out there, give felines a chance! These misunderstood pets are truly such awesome little beings, and deserve all the love in the world. Hopefully these facts and pictures have proved how weird/cute/fun/adorable/bendy/perfect cats are, and maybe just maybe brought some of you over to the dark side… cat-people.