The much anticipated "Bachelorette" season has finally aired, and there's just so much to say about what we saw and who we saw in those crazy two hours. Every true fan takes the show quite seriously and will scrutinize each guy that steps out of the limo. We've already made judgments about who we like and who we don't, whose hot and whose not, whose costumes are crazy and whose personalities are cute. So if you have watched the premiere of Jojo on Bachelorette, and even if you haven't, here's a recap of what we were all thinking throughout it:
1. Jojo's hair (and make-up) is just so on fleek... as always.
2. Not to mention her perfect body.
3. And she's hands-down the prettiest Bachelorette thus far.
4. Still very confused how Ben didn't pick her/how she hasn't been married yet. But whatever.
5. You're right to whoever said in the background "that gold dress is fiiire."
6. And whoever said they thought these guys would be #1 in each state but seem like they legit actually can't find dates... is also right.
7. Jordan, the football player, is BAE. *insert multiple heart emojis*
And certainly the #1 draft pick so far. He snagged the kiss AND the impression rose (as deserved) so he's killing it. It's cute how he gets nervous around Jojo and doesn't act like a douche-y athlete at all. #TeamJordan
8. Grant, the firefighter, seems to have good intentions, but will probably be topped by others.
Translation: he seems nice and all, but I'm not so sure he's good enough for Jojo.
9. Alex, the marine corp, is buff and cute af.
This one has a million dollar smile (and bod).The only downside is he's a little too short. Bold move grabbing Jojo first. Even though he has an impressive figure, he seemed a little too cocky about his body when showing off with those push-ups. But no doubt, he's a good option.
10. James S. is a groupie, NOT husband material.
He is extremely odd and all we know about him is that he has seen every Bachelor/Bachelorette episode, so he should probably go back to watching it instead of trying to be on it. His painfully awkward interaction with Chris Harrison says it all.
11. Evan, the Erectile Dysfunction Expert, is just EW.
Did you TRY to have the least likable job EVER? If so, you succeeded. TBH, he looks like a crazy foreigner. Plus he's boring, girly, and just plain creepy. Start packing your bags, buddy.
12. Ali, the bartender, comes off as an eager little girl.
As if he was a little TOO excited to meet her. Plus, his lifestyle at home doesn't seem very stable. Although he's pretty good at the piano, I think he lacks a lot in other areas.
13. Christian, the Telecomm Consultant, is built and very successful. 
He comes from a very interesting childhood. The only thing going for him right now is his motorcycle, and lucky for him, Jojo is into the bad-boy type. The real question is: is that enough?
14. Luke, the War Veteran and small town boy, has that irresistible southern charm.
Ugh, such a sexy voice and confidence. Riding in on that horse was pretty hot too, I must say. Bonus points for bringing up the unicorn reference AND giving her riding boots. Not to mention he got that first rose of the ceremony, probably because he's a close second to Jordan.
15. Derek, the commercial banker, is very nerdy and definitely out of her league.
That's literally all we know about you. Bye.
16. Robby, the former competitive swimmer, is so far irrelevant.
He gave her a bottle of wine, which was a nice gesture, but it was a lot better gift than his presence. Maybe go back to swimming?
17. Will, the civil engineer, is a hot mess, MINUS the hot part. 
He legit should have gone back into that limo when all of those flashcards fell. Flashcards? REALLY?! And their kiss was SO awkward OMG. Literally looked like a pair of siblings having to kiss. To make things worse, he shows her some lame fortune cookie. What are you doing, man??
18. Chad, the real estate agent, is way too arrogant and cocky for his own good.
First of all, he seems too old for her. Second of all, he's way too cocky about winning. Like CHILL. He's so negative and always feels the need to put everyone down because he is under the false impression that he's better than them. Seems to me like he's gonna be the bully of the show. I'm watching you...
19. Daniel, the Canadian and male model, has absolutely NO CHILL.
I say this from the bottom of my heart: LOSE the "damn Daniel" jokes. That ship has sailed, my friend. Oh, and newsflash: you don't need to brag about how much you've drunk. We really don't care. AT ALL. And WHAT possessed you to poke someone else's belly button? THEN to top it off, he decided to get naked and jump in the pool! I don't care how ripped your body is; under no circumstances is that socially acceptable. But of course, he got the final rose because he is needed as the train wreck of the show. So damn frustrating.
20. "Saint Nick," the electrical engineer, is a very questionable contestant.
He definitely made a splash with the Santa costume and then surprisingly was semi-attractive when he revealed his face. We know pretty much nothing about him, except that he's got a jokester side to him, but we're going to need more info than that. Getting a rose was impressive though, considering every other contestant must have shot themselves in their head when they watched him of all people recieve one.
21. Chase, the medical sales rep., is too corny for his own good.
I mustache you to go home already.
22. Coley, the real estate consultant, is very weird and irrelevant.
23. Brandon, the hipster, is pretty much a joke.
The fact that his actual listed occupation is a hipster should make him disqualified already. And his hair is certainly not helping him.
24. James T, the singer-songwriter, is too lame for Jojo.
While the guitar playing was a cute gesture, it's going to take a lot more than that to win over Jojo. He is cute at best, not hot. The reason he was so amazed at her beauty is because he pales in comparison.
25. Vinny, the barber, seems like one of those scary Italian mafia characters in the movies.
I don't see him and Jojo being compatible at all. And I was utterly confused why he gave her a piece of toast. That's not romantic. And the fact that he said, "I will never let you beg for my love on a bathroom floor," should have been a red flag in itself.
26. Wells, the radio DJ, should probably rely less on props and more on what he has to offer.
He's cute, and so is the a capella group, but it's getting a bit old. We need to know more about Wells before we can make a strong judgment about him. He was kind of right when he said he's so out of her league. Music may not be enough to impress someone as hot as Jojo.
And there you have it. Only a handful of these guys seem worthy enough to be Jojo's future husband, but of course we'll have to wait for all the craziness to unfold episode by episode before we discover who will win. These first impressions could be a fluke or it could be the downfall of each of these contestants. Will the "irrelevant" become relevant? Will Jordan still be the bae of all baes? Will Daniel spontaneously strip again? I guess we'll have to see. Patiently waiting for next week's episode....