I love the Myers-Briggs personality test. Although I definitely don't believe the test can perfectly determine someone's personality, it does determine a person's foundational personality traits pretty well. I am an ISTJ (although my "I" and "E" can be a close call at times). Here are 27 of my personal ISTJ confessions:
1. I look much meaner than I actually am. My face always looks like this. I have this look because I'm constantly thinking and analyzing different situations. It usually is nothing personal.
2. I'm not heartless. In fact, I form extremely deep relationships with people...I'm just selective in who I form these relationships with.
3. I actually think I can be an awesome extrovert when I need to be, but I'm just naturally quieter by nature.
4. I'm fantastically sarcastic.
5. I have to keep my mouth in check, because I can cut people down with my words in a heartbeat. I do my best to keep my mouth shut in upsetting situations.
6. I can't stand disorder.
7. My planner may freak you out, but it keeps me calm. I like knowing what I need to do and the order it should be done in.
8. Believe it or not, I can be fun to be around. My sarcasm is a people pleaser more often than not.
9. I spend all week working, and in class, from about 9 a.m. -7 p.m. On the weekends, I need to be left alone. Being with people pretty much all day, everyday, drains me. Nights and weekends give me energy -- especially when I spend them alone.
10. Reading relaxes and calms me.
11. I'm actually a sucker for a happy ending.
12. I think I worry more than the average person.
13. I really wish I could be more relaxed. I'm better than I used to be, but a part of me will always want to be perfect.
14. I have high expectations for others, because I expect so much of myself.
15. My biggest annoyance in life is when people talk down to me.
16. Change scares me even though the most amazing things in my life have come only after a huge change.
17. I hate working out with people. Gym time = me time.
18. I don't shut up around family and friends. I'll talk your ear off after I determine your motives.
19. I pride myself on being a good judge of character. I can usually figure out someone's personality within about five minutes. When I'm wrong, it destroys me.
20. I form very strong bonds with animals.
21. I doubt my decisions... A lot. I'm very indecisive.
22. I'm extremely loyal.
23. I want to be spontaneous but my mind just won't allow it.
24. I can't control my facial expressions. It's impossible.
25. I actually enjoy being in control of situations. I'm a capable leader, even though I'm sometimes insecure.
26. I hate small talk. Let's not beat around the bush.
27. Deep down, I know that in the end, everything will be OK.