I recently turned 25 and I upon doing so I decided to complete some commitments to myself. Some of those included clearing my closet and getting rid of any clothing I don’t wear or have had for too long... so long to my favorite sweats. Other things included, purchasing blinds for my living room, getting the ring light I wanted, setting up a fitness area for my workouts and recordings. Of those things I had an entire 25-to-do-list and I can say, I accomplished more than half and I had no goal except this: get as many things done as possible. I did just that, I also decided to do a photo-shoot just to capture this moment, a milestone right?
Upon doing all these things that would help progress my personal and professional life, I had to reflect, it is just a part of who I am. As October came and went, the weeks leading to my birthday was a mini circus in my head. Thoughts on what is my next goal for my 25th, where do I really want to be in 3-5 years, have I accomplished enough at this age, have I completely learned from my mistakes, what mistakes will I have coming. Most of all, what am I going to change to reach higher. After countless days of planning, reading and working to promote self-change, my 25th arrived and on that Saturday morning I felt these things that I feel can help anyone making that 24 hr change.
I am still Bianca
Not much has drastically changed about me and who I am, my character and morals are the same. Nothing has changed about my appearance, in fact I look the exact same in my 18, 21 and 25 ID photos, I believe its called reverse aging. The one thing that seems to enhance is my level of stress but I have also learned natural ways to handle stress and simply tell myself, stop stressing. The less I stress the more energy I have to store and look back on all that I have done and the things I have to be proud of. I think we get so caught up in striving to be successful that success is right in front of us and we can’t even be happy for ourselves because it’s not exactly what we’ve pictured. I am still me and fighting for the things I believe in with the ability to do more now that I know I can.
There is NO turning back
Why dwell on getting older when you can’t turn back time. If we could, we would all do a lot of things different but had we not gone through some of those things we couldn’t be who we are today. Good or bad, what you take away from the experience is what matter the most. How you apply it is up to you and that is when you have to realize there isn’t any turning back and look forward to getting older and more tactful.
Change is gradual and not overnight
Change takes time because in order to make effective change we must adjust and adapt to new beginnings. It took us time to learn to talk and walk and as times have shown, the more you know, the quicker you are to adapt and change is the ending result. The great thing is we don’t just change and that’s it, if one can commit, you continue to level up. The more you expand and explore the better you know about yourself and what you ultimately want from that transformation, making adjustments as an everyday habit.
25 years wiser
I am not scared to get old or maybe I just haven’t hit menopause yet, but to me, the older I get the better I look and the more knowledgeable I become. I am not that naive teenager or that maturing young adult believing I knew everything and barely knew how to change the oil in my car (that was me at 19, lol, and most of us) but I now I truly feel I am an adult. I was always given trust growing up and I have always tried to make the best decisions for me and so far I haven’t failed. A few bumps in the road but the tires aren’t damaged and that’s the beauty of getting older, to get better and ride until the wheels fall off. I don’t have to know it all.I want to but I can’t, the best thing is to be aware. I am aware of who I am, what I want for my life and what kind of person I am and need to be. I plan to have children and watch my grand-kids grow and if god is willing see their children born. I am planning a long life so if I knew everything right now, what would there be left to learn and life is one big jigsaw puzzle that I couldn’t have possibly packed in 25 years. I mean we spent more than half under our parent’s roof, so 25 is just the beginning to the madness and I have my moccasins on tight for this carnival of roller coasters.
Take your time, your only competition is yourself
I realized this a few years ago but I must always remind myself, I've never been the person to want to be like others, instead I allow others to inspire my inner creativity. As a human though, I sometimes compare myself to people my age when in reality we don't share anything the same except being born in the same generation. Other than that our books are completely different, in fact they have different meanings and covers. No one can be competition unless your entering a contest, life isn't a contest its a lesson and if your to worried about the competition you'll miss the lecture and be late for class. Don't sleep on yourself, you are you only competition, take your time and perfect your craft.!
When it is all said and done, it is just a day and as long as you feel you are loved, proud of the person you are or becoming and stand behind reasonable values, let the rest go! Remember this: Love Is Virtually Everything! LIVE