25 Ways You Know You Grew Up In North Royalton, Ohio | The Odyssey Online
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25 Ways You Know You Grew Up In North Royalton, Ohio

This is how you know what home is.

25 Ways You Know You Grew Up In North Royalton, Ohio
Aerial Agents

North Royalton: the somewhat small town just 20 minutes south of Cleveland. While not many people have heard of it, or have only seen it by way of signs on the highway, there are many telltale signs that you're from here.

1. The rivalry between going to Valley Vista, Royal View or Albion continued well into high school.

2. The days you spent walking to the Shake Shoppe after school were great ones.

3. You grew up playing on this thing…

4. But when they changed it to this you were devastated.

5. People didn’t understand why your middle school was so much better looking than your high school.

6. You know the millions of dollars spent on the stadium was worth it because all the visiting teams were jealous of it.

7. Calling it “NoRo."

8. There used to be serious struggle driving on Sprague Road.

9. You know there’s nothing like walking through the metroparks on a fall day.

10. You knew the struggle of going to a high school with no air conditioning.

11. You hate Brecksville.

12. SouthPark was the place to go on the weekends in middle school.

13. You’d wait for Mr. Gurka to tweet you had a snow day.

14. And when he didn’t, you drove to school sliding around the roads wondering why you didn’t have the day off.

15. Divot’s was one place in town where you could do something in town that was somewhat different.

16. You know how annoying it is to explain that there are kids from Broadview Heights who went to your school.

17. You know the only time you set foot on the city green was for Home Days.

18. Hella hills.

19. Drug Mart really did save you the run around.

20. It’s hard to explain how much of a presence music and the arts had at your school.

21. There’s a “Parma side," “Hinkley Side," “Strongsville side” and “Broadview Heights side” of town.

22. The 3 Spot was the place to go for good wings and fries.

23. You used to randomly see Josh Cribbs around town.

24. You were so cool when you finally went down the huge red slide at McDonald’s.

25. You would occasionally complain about how much you wanted to get out of there, but it will always be home.

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