1. Take a deep breath
A lot of people underestimate the power of taking a step back and taking a deep breath, it enables you to re-center and focus on the day.
2. Smile
Nothing can change your outlook on the day better than just changing your perspective and smiling. Show off those pearly whites.
3. Be yourself
That's the best person you can be.
4. Go to lunch with your friends
Who doesn't enjoy a girls day out with food?
5. Get dressed up and take cute pictures
Nothing makes my soul happier than feeling good about myself when I rock an outfit so naturally you must document it for the gram, right?
6. Go to the beach
The sound of the waves and the sand between your toes will instantly calm you.
7. Have a cell phone free day
99% of your day is most likely spent on some type of media. Let it go.
8. Call you Grandparents
It will make their day AND yours if you spend just 10 minutes on the phone with them.
9. Pay it forward in the drive thru line
You never know what someone else is going through, make your day by making someone else's.
10. Tell your parents you love them
You can never tell them too many times.
11. Go on a sibling outing
Don't take your sibling time for granted because soon enough you will all be old doing old "adult" things and not have time.
12. Journal
Nothing frees the soul better than a good journal entry.
13. Go for a drive
Put the windows down, turn up the jams and drive. You will feel free
14. Blare music from your car
Because sometimes it's just necessary
15. Have a Netflix marathon
Because you can never watch just one episode am I right?
16. Make yourself a good cup of joe
A good cup of coffee can instantly make your day
17. Listen to Malibu by Miley Cyrus
you'll feel "as free as birds catching the wind"
18. Don't worry about the future
The future will be here regardless if you worry about it. Don't take away the joy of today worrying about tomorrow.
19. Be content in the present
It's only the present for a short time. Enjoy it
20. Enjoy the little things
Don't underestimate the small victories in life.
21. Go to a movie
Because who doesn't love movies?
22. Go get ice cream with your friends
Nothing makes the soul happier than some good ice cream with good friends
23. Treat yourself to a mani-pedi because you deserve it
The way to a happier soul is pampering you.
24. Read a good book
It will calm your mind
25. Go for a walk
It will help you clear your head