About 30 minutes from the city in the county of Westchester, NY is a small public school school called Hendrick Hudson High School. Across the street from Dunkin Donuts the school lays on top of a hill next to a church. If you live in this town or anywhere near it the irony is almost ridiculous. Through the whispers of the town gossip and the students lining outside the Montrose Deli BEC's in hand you'd realize this school is more then just a school. It holds many memories and stories that will always hold a special place in your heart no matter how much hate.
Among the 900 students, chances are more then half had siblings, parents, and even grandparents that attended the school. From the tweets and text messages of how much you hate this town and school you know how united it is when it comes down too it. Chances are you've seen you and your friends on the local news - if you got lucky even nation wide news. Here is a list of things that if you attended the infamous Hen Hud ever in your life you'd understand:
1) You heard at least one rumor that the principal got punched in the face once a year if not more
2) You experienced gas leaks/bomb threats
3) Non working sinks and bathrooms
4) You've fallen in love with a teacher (Let's face it, someone was always there to listen and talk about life. Sometimes you even found yourself only going to school to talk to them)
5) The guidance counselors are the greatest people you'll ever meet
6) Your peer leaders have tried hunting you down many times
7) after hating peer leadership, you auditioned to be one to make your college resume look better
8) You've watched kids eat pot brownies in halls and classrooms
9) Cops enter the school at least once a month and you ask yourself what is it this time?
10) when asked what high school you went too and you reply Hen Hud you get THE look
11) You didn't go a day without getting Dunkin Donuts or Montrose Deli
12) Gym Volleyball is basically the olympics
13) No matter if we lose, our rival still sucks
14) Royal blue and white have taken over your wardrobe
15) you've mastered drawing anchors
16) When the salad bar didn't have chicken that day it was the worst day ever
17) you've attempted to get a staff member every week to write you a pass to skip gym
18) Senior BBQ is the best day of your high school career
19) You've sent out multiple fake candy cane grams
20) you knew warm weather was happening when the principal dedicated a whole announcement on mid drifts and bra straps
21) You've been drunk on Metronorth heading to a yankee game and ran into your teachers (you probably got called out on it the next day by them too)
22) The windows in front of the cafeteria are great lightening for photos
23) Spirit week was the best week ever and when twin day was taken away you thought of rebelling
24) Chances are whatever drama you heard that day so did the teachers. They may even have heard it before you too
25) "Make it a great day or not Hen Hud the choice is yours"