When you're on winter break, a million random thoughts can run through your head. Whether you're stuck in a dorm, at home, or at work, your mind can wander off like a bear into the woods, because on winter break, there's nothing to do. You are bored most of the time, and you're just sitting there on your phone, laughing at memes, which there is no shame in because I am pretty sure that everyone does it. Here are some of the zillions of thoughts I have had since winter break has started.
1. I wonder what my college family is doing.
2. What if dogs spoke whatever language their owners did?
3. How did I ever survive in this small town?
4. I wonder what everyone got for Christmas.
5. For once, I can not find anything interesting on Netflix.
6. Or Hulu.
7. Or YouTube.
8. Oh my gosh, I know who will love this meme. *tags 15 people on Facebook*
9. What to do, what to do.
10. Maybe I can find something to read.
11. *finishes book in a couple of hours* Okay, now what?
12. Okay, maybe I should start looking at what I need for next semester.
13. Who's got 'buy three books for one class' money?
14. Okay, let's see what *insert name* is up to. Okay, they're busy, never mind.
15. Time for another book.
16. Let's see if there's any Pokemon nearby. Okay, there isn't.
17. What do dogs think about?
18. Maybe I should go for a drive.
19. *drives around for 15 minutes* Okay, I've seen that road before. And that man.
20. *comes home* What's for dinner?
21. Have I eaten today? Oh my gosh, I forgot to eat.
23. Yum, food.
24. All is well; I am fed.
25. What to do, what to do.
So, all in all, you can tell my winter break is pretty exciting. There's food, nothing to do, and books. But overall, it is a nice break from the stress of school.