It’s summertime, AKA MCAT season, and thousands of pre-medicine
students are frantically reviewing all things relating to their undergraduate studies.
The score you receive on this exam dictates your entire medical future, and the
exam, as we all know, is a brutal marathon you must mentally prepare yourself
to take. Every student taking the exam will experience a collection of thoughts
until the moment they walk out of the testing center with a little sealed paper
verifying that they completed the MCAT.
The following is a list of 25 thoughts all pre-meds have
while taking the MCAT.
1. Why do I have to take my shoes off, go through a security check and get my fingers scanned. Do they think I am some kind of criminal?
2. Man, they really keep people from cheating here.
3. Hmm... I wonder how I could cheat?
4. Fifteen minutes into the first section: Do I even want to go to medical school now?
5. Why is it so damn silent in here?
6. It’s getting hot in here, let me take my sweater off.
7. Ten seconds later: Why did that lady just tap me on the shoulder to tell me I had to keep my sweater on the entire exam?
8. Great, now I am sweating.
9. What kind of reaction is this?
10. “Choose the correct answer: I, II, III, II and III, or I and III.” No. Just no.
11. I have absolutely no idea what any of these answers are.
12. Whose idea was it to add psychology again?
13. I know all of the answers to this section!
14. I have to pee so bad, but those finger print scanners take too long.
15. These earphones are starting to irritate me.
16. I really should have prepared more.
17. My brain is so dead I can’t even tell the difference between oxidation and reduction anymore.
18. Should I actually go take a break, or just get this exam over with?
19. Someone tell my why I paid more than $300 just to put myself through misery?
20. Also, I spent years learning this information, and weeks reviewing it. How am I completely lost?
21. This is not fair.
22. I’m tired and hungry.
23. On the last section of the entire exam: I give up, this is too hard.
24. Just kidding, but I better not have to take this ever again.
25. After seven and a half hours:
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