25 Thoughts You Have When Posting A Selfie To Instagram | The Odyssey Online
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25 Thoughts You Have When Posting A Selfie To Instagram

I'm pretty sure I'm a model; why don't I have more likes, yet?

25 Thoughts You Have When Posting A Selfie To Instagram

Sometimes, you just look fly as hell and have to show the world. Sometimes, you take an entire photo shoot of your own face to get the perfect angle so you can show everyone how "naturally beautiful" you are. Ask anyone, a good selfie is the key to a great and exciting social life, but posting a selfie can be intimidating!

We're all guilty of constant phone checking and filter testing.

They say that practice makes perfect, but this is one of those things that does not get easier with experience. Here are the 25 thoughts you probably have every. single. time.

1. This picture came out awesome. Wow, I am gorgeous. I should be on the cover of Vogue.

2. Better text it to my friends to make sure they approve.

3. What filter should I use? I don't want it to look too edited.

4. I don't need a filter. I am beautiful the way I am!

5. Okay, Valencia it is.

6. What should I do about the caption? Should I use an obscure song lyric so everyone knows I'm hip and cultured and eat kale?

7. Who am I kidding. I hate kale. I'll just use an emoji.

8. I alerted all of my friends that I was uploading this picture, so I should be set for at least 10 likes right away.

9. I hope the cute boy from work will like it.

10. It's been 35 seconds; why has nobody liked my picture?

11. Thank God someone liked it, finally; that was the most stressful minute of my life.

12. Wow, six likes in three minutes. I am on fire. I'm definitely going to finally break 100 with this one.

13. This is definitely my best one, yet, I so have that "girl next door" thing going for me.

14. Why do I only have 10 likes?

15. I need that eleventh like.

16. Phew. Remind me to thank that thirteen year old girl who used to be my camper for coming in clutch with number eleven.

17. I really thought I'd have more likes than this by now. Am I ugly? What's going on?

18. This is so embarrassing. I can't believe my "friends" would lie to me and tell me it looked good. They are definitely sabotaging me.

19. That girl's picture of a pizza has more likes than mine. That's it I have to delete it. I'm ugly.

20. Okay, maybe I'll just give it five more minutes, just in case. Maybe, nobody is even on Instagram right now.

21. Why haven't more boys liked my picture? The girl to boy ratio is like 25 to 1.

22. If I don't look at my phone for five minutes I'll probably have 100 likes when I pick it up again.

23. Don't pick up the phone. Put it down. Leave it on the table.

24. Okay, maybe just a quick peek.

25. I don't need these people to validate my appearance. I am beautiful. I should be out living my life.

Thoughts 17 to 25 can be lathered, rinsed, and repeated as many times as necessary until the picture finally stabilizes, leaving you to either settle for a mediocre 65 likes or celebrate a personal-record-breaking 103 (which has still never happened for me, but I assume it has for other people).

Don't let your likes define you! You are beautiful in every single way. Everyone knows it's the Twitter favorites that matter, anyway.

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