Frat houses have been a crucial part of my freshman year of college thus far. My friends and I are always having full-on wars over which is the best frat. One thing we all agree on, however, is that frat houses are a weird, but amazing place. I asked my friends from colleges near and far their opinions and feelings while at a frat party. After speaking with them, I have complied the 25 most common and most accurate thoughts college girls have in a frat house.
1) OK, it’s really hot in here.
2) Alright, now I’m sweating.
3) Why did I dress up for this?
4) I’m REALLY glad I straightened my hair just to put it up the second I got here.
5) That boy is kind of cute.
6) …wait, just kidding.
7) Why is this person touching me right now?
9) I did not know it was humanly possible to sweat this much.
10) Holy shit, I love this song.
11) No, I’m like realllllllly good at twerking.
12) How do these boys shit if there’s no toilet paper?
13) ...or soap?
14) What is that smell?
15) What am I standing in?
16) I will not embarrass myself tonight!!
17) *does something embarrassing*
18) I hate my life.
19) WAIT, I think I just saw my husband.
20) This is my favorite frat.
(Disclaimer: you said this about a different frat last weekend)
21) No, like seriously I’m in love with them.
22) I’m still dripping sweat.
23) I need food.
24) How do people live here?
25) I am THE queen of *insert frat name here*!