Everyone loves a nice listicle. Lately I've been thinking a lot about way that I can improve myself; physically and mentally- and overall as a person. It's a daunting idea; change. But little things can add up quickly to make large improvements. Here's a list I came up with that I'll try my best to work on myself.
1. Smile more often.
2. Let out that compliment you're keeping to yourself.
3. Never forget to hold the door.
4. Let everyone cross the crosswalk when you're driving.
5. Pet as many animals as you can.
6. Say thank you, and mean it.
7. Put away your phone when you get behind the wheel.
8. Pick up something that you saw someone drop.
9. Respect and admire nature.
10. Don't ask how people got their scares.
11. Offer help when you know it's needed.
12. Use blinkers.
13. Hold hands more often.
14. Support local business.
15. Realize time is precious.
16. Don't ask if you'll get charged twice when the cashier just said you won't get charged twice.
17. Be respectful of boundaries.
18. Lend someone a pen.
19. Radiate love.
20. Stop overusing plastic.
21. Be proud of where you came from.
22. Pay for a stranger's coffee.
23. Admire a different culture.
24. Don't be afraid of "I love you's".
25. Listen to other's voice.