You and your roomie are way too close and sometimes it feels like you can read each other's minds. But when that's not the case, here are 25 questions you will ask him or her on a daily basis:
1. Want to watch an episode of "The Office"?
2. Do I need to wash my hair or can I get away with dry shampoo?
3. Does this shirt make me look weird?
4. What time are you waking up tomorrow morning?
5. I'm hungry, want to get food?
6. Do I Instagram this, and with which filter?
7. Okay, I posted it... Can you go like it?
8. Are we going out this weekend?
9. Will you go to the lib with me tonight?
10. Will you pick me up from class so I don't have to walk?
11. Do you think he's cute? Be honest.
12. Should I take him to date party?
13. Will you go to the gym with me?
14. Can I borrow *insert article or clothing*? I forgot to do laundry.
15. Want to cuddle and eat ice cream in bed?
16. Will you proofread this text?
17. Do I respond to him or wait a couple of hours to make him think I'm busy?
18. Will you wake me up in thirty minutes?
19. What Netflix series should I start watching next?
20. Does this outfit make me look fat?
21. Is this romper worth the $40?
22. Do you have an ibuprofen?
23. Should I skip class today?
24. Will you curl my hair for me?
25. What's the weather like outside? What should I wear to class?
With every question asked the bond between roomies strengthens. Let's face it, you can't live in a 10 by 10 room with someone and not become close with them. Roommates are the people we can count on for everything and love to do everything with.