If you know me then you know that I'm not super political.
I definitely have opinions, but I will admit that I don't follow politics as closely as I probably should. Like I would much rather go get ice cream than watch a political debate type deal. However, with this upcoming election and Trump's increasing popularity I thought that instead of going on a rant as to why you shouldn't vote for Trump (no political experience, filed for bankruptcy six times, doesn't know anything about our Constitution..blah, blah blah) I would just give you 25 things I would rather do than give Trump my vote.
1. Drink rotten milk.
2. Go back to middle school.
3. Watch talk radio.
4. Go mute for a year.
5. Give up cheese.
6. Trade in my iphone for a flip phone.
7. Eat a bottle of mayo and then do Crossfit.
8. Get dropped off in the middle of the desert by myself.
9. Move to Alaska with no winter jacket.
10. Become a hermit and live in a small cave.
11. Only speak through interpretive dance.
12. Join the Amish.
13. Do 100 push ups.
14. Amputate my pinky toes.
15. Use heelys as my only form of transportation.
16. Shave off my left eyebrow.
17. Challenge any professional dancer to a dance off where I bet my life savings on me winning.
18. Perform sober karaoke in front of everyone I know.
19. Get a degree in Bowling Industry Management and Technology.
20. Get tickled for 3 hours straight.
21. Only sleep with one pillow.
22. Lose my Netflix account.
23. Have a chronic tickle in my throat.
24. Have my alarm go off at random times throughout the day.
25. Never be allowed to add salt or pepper to food.
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