Over the years I have self-diagnosed myself with misophonia, which is a condition in which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds. One of the worst to me is to listen to people chew or smack, which is why this article is dedicated to things that I would rather do than to listen to someone smack. If anyone knows me, they know that all of these are so very true!
1. Get my braces back on in college
2. Never eat Chick Fil A again
3. Run a marathon for fun
4. Delete every form of social media
5. Sit in Baton Rouge traffic for hours
6. Live in a dorm room for the rest of my life
7. Punch myself in the face 1,000 times
8. Fail a class (Sorry Mom)
9. Have Facebook remind me of an old ex
10. Lose every pair of matching socks (Cue the OCD)
11. Burn my favorite sweatshirt
12. Take Accounting every semester
13. Crack my iPhone every time I dropped it
14. Go to the dentist
15. Gain the Freshman 15 every year
16. Never watch Netflix again
17. Take the ACT every Saturday
18. Fold a huge stack of clothes
19. Procrastinate studying for finals
20. Get stung by a bee
21. Go back to High School
22. Hit my ankle with a golf club
23. Be Gluten Free for fun
24. Fall down stairs in front of everyone
25. Go to Ole Miss