As my old high school finishes up their classes and my friends who I once considered babies are preparing to graduate, I realized something. I'm old. Not really, but it sure feels that way. I felt like I crawled to reach that diploma and it was really 12 years instead of four. But looking back now I wish I had taken the time to appreciate being 16. So for those of you who refer to your high school as "prison" like I did, here are some things I wish I knew and appreciated while serving my time at Broughton High School.
1. Having your own opinion isn't always a bad thing.
2. Don't get too hung up on the football player.
3. No one will remember if you wore $100 jeans or sweatpants.
4. Appreciate going to bed at a reasonable hour.
5. Get involved in as many things as you can.
6. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
7. Appreciate your family because they're the only ones that will always stand by you no matter what.
8. Go to every football game and school dance.
9. Putting yourself first is good sometimes.
10. Boys suck no matter what age.
11. Go to class.
12. Your mom knows more than you think.
13. Volunteer.
14. Put down the phone once in a while.
15. You will have a broken heart, and grow stronger from it.
16. Don't let negative people drag you down.
17. Being confident will get you further than you think.
18. Don't procrastinate.
19. Nobody's perfect at 16.
20. Don't be afraid to talk to new people.
21. You don't need a date to have fun at prom.
22. It's OK to not know what you want to be in life.
23. People will change, and so will you.
24. Hard work really does pay off in the end.
25. Don't blink because it will be over before you know it.