I recently got this book called "300 Writing Prompts," and it has really inspired me.
It is filled with 300 questions to answer, and they really make you wonder. Today, as I sit on the ferry to Nantucket and write this article, I flipped the book open and vowed to write about whichever prompt my eyes went to first, and this one happens to say "Write down 25 things you will never do." As I get through these prompts, I will share each and every one with all of my readers. So here we go: week one, prompt one.
25 Things I Will Never Do:
(or never do again)
1. Take someone's presence for granted now that I know what it feels like to lose someone.
2. Own a pet snake.
3. Drive without a seatbelt on.
4. Take candy (or anything) from a stranger.
5. Go to bed angry at someone.
6. Leave my car doors unlocked (thank you, Kyra).
7. Become a cat lady, because I am allergic.
8. Stop writing.
9. Stop remembering that taking my care of myself first is the most important.
10. Make excuses to keep someone around who doesn't benefit anyone.
11. Stop cleaning my house everyday (it makes me feel good...too good.)
12. Hold onto negative energy.
13. Stop exercising.
14. Stop challenging myself.
15. Work at a job where I am not learning.
16. Stay in my comfort zone.
17. Underestimate the importance of traveling.
18. Touch or eat a worm.
19. Hurt an animal.
20. Compromise my beliefs.
21. Get a tattoo on my face.
22. Hitchhike.
23. Let someone else decide my goals.
24. Choose a boy over a friend.
25. Not stick up for myself or loved ones.
Check in next week to see what prompt I answer next.