Who ever said you learn everything you need to know in kindergarten? I’ve taken in a lot about how to deal with work, life, and relationships during my 3 paltry years here at Alma College, and I still have a long way to go. Of course, everyone will experience college (heck, life in general) differently, but these are my best personal nuggets of wisdom:
- If you get involved in too much, back out
- It pays to be active in the community in more ways than you imagine
- Find a way to prioritize your life
- Learn to use Excel
- Spend more time with your friends
- Spend more time with your family
- Be optimistic, but don’t be naïve
- Figure out how you do work best
- As Lowes says, never stop improving
- Aim for improvement instead of perfection
- If a person works, talks, listens better than you, you can use them as an example and a motivation for change
- A teacher can be your best friend
- You can be your greatest enemy
- You learn the most from experience
- Try to leave 15 minutes early for class
- There is always a bit of leeway in everything, including things you panic the most about
- Get to sleep on time and wake up early
- Relax before bed, do exercises in the morning
- Learn from failure instead of condemning it
- Ask yourself questions when you annotate and take notes
- Study 3 days or more before a test
- It’s okay to be sad and lonely
- You are more gentle than you think
- Compliment yourself and give yourself snacks, because you’re running a marathon and you need your strength
- Find a way to balance your pride and humility