Dear Past Me,
Here I am writing to you from the future. You are 18 now and life is much more different than you could've imagined. It hasn't been an easy ride. There have been many bumps and potholes. However, I've picked up bits and pieces that may help you in the long run. Take the time to read them, even if you'll forget them the next day.
1. Stop comparing yourself to others. There will never be another person like you.
“Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.” ~Unknown
2. Your brain won't fully be developed until you are 25 or so. So you're going to make countless mistakes throughout and many times you're going to think of giving up. However, realize that although it is easier to just forget about the mistakes you made, think about the possibility of learning from them. It will give you peace.
3. Everything will turn out ok in the end. Don't sweat it. Yes, you are going to lose many people along the way, but each of them will teach you a valuable lesson. There will be days that you just feel like world is against you, you'll feel completely alone. However, you will come to realize that after every storm there is a rainbow. The bad won't last forever and you will get something even more beautiful.
4. DON'T change yourself for anybody. Especially NOT for that guy. You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you you're not.
5. That one math test you got a D on won't matter in the long run.
6. Listen to your mom. She knows everything. and I mean EVERYTHING! Whether it be about friends, love, your health. She knows. She's been through it all so listen to her.
7. That boy who broke your heart? The one you said you'd never be able to live without? You will. Stop crying over him. Sure it may be hard at first, but it will get better. By the time you grow up you'll forget all about the boy who you said you'd spend "forever" with.
8. Cherish your siblings. They will be there for you through it all. They're your true friends. Of course there will be times that you utterly hate them. But I promise you will grow up to have a lasting bond. You will be able to count on them with anything.
9. You don't need toxic people in your life. If any person makes you feel bad about yourself. Or makes you question why you are with them. Drop them. You don't need that negativity in your life.
10. Take naps! While you still can. Please, please, please.
11. Smile at everyone. Even people you don't know. You don't know what demons people are fighting and a smile could turn anyone's day around.
12. Take chances. The worst thing that can happen is that you may fail. But remember in the end we regret the chances we didn't take. So take chances and don't regret it.
13. Don't ever stop with your hobbies or passions. No matter how many times you think to do so. You'll grow up wishing you hadn't. If you were to go ask adults today, they will tell you their biggest regret was not continuing to dance or to play a sport. Don't give up on what you love.
14. Drink water. Your body will thank you later.
15. Take a mental health day. School matter I know. But you matter too. So take the time to help yourself too rather than cry over that one lab report.
16. Quality over quantity. Live by that motto. Especially when it comes to making friends. You don't need to be the most popular person with the biggest group of friends. It is much more important to have fewer but more closer and trustworthy real friends. Trust me on this. You'll be lucky if you even talk to some of the people you thought you were "friends" with in 10 or so years.
17. Take the time to travel. Alone, with friends, with your family. Just travel. It will make all your problems seem smaller. You'll learn to appreciate everything around you.
18. Take the time to appreciate the little things in life. Like how the water droplets stick to your window after a storm. Or the smell of freshly washed laundry. Or the taste of warm chocolate chip cookies. It's always about the little things.
19. Take the time to mediate. You don't understand how much better you will feel. Just take like 5 minutes out of your day will help you in the long run.
20. Try to overcome your shyness. Yes, it will be hard. However, it is an amazing gift to make new friends and learn new things. Pushing yourself to get out of your comfort zone will be a difficult process but the outcomes and benefits are everlasting.
21. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. Don't live with the regret that you could've helped change something important to you.
22. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. This will be the hardest but most important thing you can do. You may never forget how that person made you feel, but for your own sake forgive. It will give you peace.
23. Cherish your loved ones. They won't be around forever. Spend time with them and don't ever take a moment with them for granted.
24. What goes around comes around. So try to be the best individual you can be.
25. Don't rush to grow up. Cherish your childhood. You won't be younger than you are today. One day you'll be married with a family, a house, pets, and a stable job. Don't worry about that now. Cherish every little moment because in a blink of an eye you'll be older wishing you could go back one more time.
You have become an amazing individual. Through everything you have learned and grown to become a beautiful person. I wish you nothing but the best.
Your Future Self.