Congratulations my fellow college students! You survived the hell that is finals week and hopefully you are now home with your loved ones. During this time, remember to enjoy every moment with your family members and friends as well as remember the true meaning of Christmas. We get so consumed by the gifts and the food, that we forget how truly special this time is. Be with your family, put your phone down, and truly enjoy their presence. I wish anyone reading this article a very Merry Christmas, and I hope that while you are home for a couple weeks, you are able to unwind, because you truly deserve it. With that being said, here are a few things us college kids do when we come home for Christmas break.
1. Kiss the clean ground that does not smell like beer and road salt 'cause you're home for three weeks.
2. Drop off the laundry you have been saving for weeks in the laundry room hoping your mom may do it for you.
3. Check the fridge for food that isn't ramen or pizza.
4. Freak out because there is actually some name brand food in the fridge.
5. Go into your old room and throw yourself onto your non-lumpy mattress.
6. Wrap yourself in your clean blankets and fall asleep.
7. Force your pet to spend time with you.
8. Go Christmas shopping at the outlet mall or Target in your town and run into 2,000 people you know.
9. Grab lunch with your hometown friends as soon as you get home.
10. Hang out at your hometown friends' houses and catch up with them and their parents.
11. Enjoy a family dinner with your parents and siblings like the good old days.
12. Watch a Christmas movie with everyone and pass out on the couch.
13. Binge-watch Netflix like it's your job.
14. Stress about how long it is taking for your final grades to be posted so you know if you truly will have a "Happy" holiday season.
15. Contemplate leaving your room but never actually doing it.
16. Spend time with the extended family.
17. Pulling your skis out of storage so you can hit the slopes.
18. Explaining to your grandparents the new technology they got for Christmas.
19. Telling your family that nothing has changed since Thanksgiving about having a boyfriend/girlfriend.
20. Sleep all day because you're finally not too stressed to relax.
21. Order an on-demand movie because it's not on your cable bill.
22. Try to teach yourself a new hobby or skill in three weeks.
23. Spend time in the snow and take it all in.
24. Miss your roommates.
25. Be grateful for this break from school because it's really the only one you're going to get until summer break.
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