College is the time for all of us to have four years of absolute freedom celebrating and making memories with our best friends. It's also a time of education, honing our skills for the career we will someday go to five days of the week. However, college is also a time to learn the other skills necessary to function in today's society and living our lives to the fullest when we take the step outside to the world. So I decided to create a list of the 25 things you should learn here in college so you can survive tomorrow in the real world.
1. How to cook: This is a very important skill, if you don't learn how to cook you are bound to die of starvation or go broke from ordering food every day.
2. How to workout: Learn how to exercise, or at least learn how to go to the gym and attempt to exercise. Staying fit is one of the most beneficial things we can do, in health terms and esteem terms. Look good. Feel good.
3. How to dress: What I said above. Look good. Feel good.
4. How to socialize: Believe it or not, after college you don't stop meeting people, so if you are an introvert, (that's fine) while you are here, learn how to have a good conversation with strangers, it'll help in the long run. We all want friends we see on the regular when we graduate.
5. How to drink: Learn how to drink and not blackout or puke. That won't seem impressive to anyone in the real world, if anything they will think you're an alcoholic.
6. How to make good mix drinks: People love a good bartender, even if it's in the comfort of your own apartment.
7. How to order food: We all will have those lazy days. Know how to talk on the phone.
8. How to order food online: Learn how to use a computer.
9. What your hobbies are: Some days you're gonna be bored, so how will you entertain yourself? Netflix isn't a hobby.
10. How to defend yourself: Hey you make get in a fight, verbal or even physical, so learn how to square up.
11. How taking an ambulance costs money, a lot of money: When you were in over your head defending yourself, only take an ambulance unless absolutely necessary. The ambulance bill is not cheap, at all.
12. How to cook: Again, starve or go broke.
13. How to be politically correct: Don't be ignorant.
14. How to tie your shoes: It's harder than it looks.
15. How to chew with your mouth closed: No, I don't like seefood.
16. How to make a résumé: It is the one sheet of paper that your future depends on. It's your first impression, we all know how important those are. I feel like it would be good to know how to make one.
17. How to own it in an interview: Learn how to prove you are the best at what you do.
18. How to not get discouraged: No one wins everything. Learn how to get up when you're knocked down.
19. How people can suck: Having a roommate here can help you realize that people can be really crappy, but such is life.
20. How people can be awesome: We humans can do some crazy, legendary and caring stuff, learn and remember that.
21. What you are passionate about: What do you want to do for the rest of your life? It can be a career, but it doesn't have to be.
22. How it's okay to be wrong: Guys, not girls, we are gonna be wrong a lot. We kind of have no choice, but to get used to it.
23. How to not care what other people think: You want to do something? Do it! Why let other people prevent you from living the way you want to? Want to read a book in a tree in the middle of the quad and appear on chambana? Go for it.
24. How to find out who you are: We are all here for a purpose, Learn what your purpose is. We all have one. Like to make people laugh? Like to make people feel motivated? Like to write for an online newspaper and hope someone takes what you write to heart? That's a purpose. Find yours.
25. How to cook: Just do it.