When you are struggling with your mental health, it is really easy to get caught up in the negativity of it all and forget some of the things that are really important. Here are some of the things that are really crucial to remember when you are going through a tough time.
1. You are important and you matter
2. Be kind to yourself
3. Stop judging yourself
4. You are so loved
5. Work on your coping skills
6. Practice positive self talk
7. Rest
8. Pay attention to your self care battery
Make time for yourself when you need it.
9. Your mistakes don't define you
10. Set boundaries for your triggers
11. You are allowed to say no
12. Follow your treatment plan
13. Your wants and needs are valid
14. Create a strong support system
15. Don't give up on yourself
16. Productivity does not define your worth
17. Go to therapy
If it is accessible for you, give it a try.