25 Things You Must Do In Rehoboth Beach
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25 Things You Must Do In Rehoboth Beach

"The Nation's Summer Capital"

25 Things You Must Do In Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, known as the "Nation's Summer Capital," holds a special place in my heart. I've been going to Rehoboth Beach for as long as I can remember. It's one of my favorite places in the world, mainly because of the wonderful people whom I get to spend time with while I'm there. If you have never been, I seriously suggest going. Here are 25 things you must do in Rehoboth Beach.

1. Obviously, go to the beach.

There's nothing better than spending all day on the beach. The Rehoboth beaches are clean, with lifeguards on every beach from Memorial Day through Labor Day. I recommend getting up to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic.

2. See the Lifeguard Olympics

The Rehoboth Beach Lifeguard Olympics is an exciting competition that is definitely worth seeing.

3. Visit the Deauville Beach Snack Shack

The snack shack on Deauville Beach is a great place to grab a burger or a snow cone when you don't want to leave the beach for lunch.

4. Get doughnuts from The Fractured Prune.

The Fractured Prune makes delicious doughnuts in a wide variety of fun flavors.

5. Get a Nic-o-Boli.

Nicola Pizza is known for their tasty Nic-o-Boli.

6. Eat Thrasher’s fries.

There are several Thrasher's French Fries locations in Rehoboth. The fries are delicious, especially with some salt and vinegar.

7. Grab a meal at Dave and Skippy’s.

Dave and Skippy's is a little restaurant near the beach that makes awesome wraps and breakfast sandwiches.

8. Get a pizza at Grotto's.

Grotto's Pizza has many locations around Rehoboth. Their pizza is known for its sweet swirl sauce.

9. Go to Dolle's.

Dolle's is an awesome place on the boardwalk to grab some homemade fudge, saltwater taffy, a funnel cake, a crepe, or popcorn.

10. Watch a beach wedding.

Rehoboth is a popular location for weddings. It's not hard to see a beautiful wedding on the beach.

11. Visit Penny Lane.

Penny Lane is a charming alleyway of shops.

12. Shop in Mod Cottage.

Mod Cottage is one of my favorite little stores in Rehoboth. I'd buy everything in that store if I could.

13. Go shopping at the Tanger Outlets.

The Tanger Outlets is a great place to shop due to the multitude of stores. There's no sales tax in Delaware!

14. Go to Funland.

Funland is an arcade and amusement park on the boardwalk. The Haunted Mansion ride is one of my personal favorites.

15. See the 4th of July Fireworks.

The 4th of July fireworks in Rehoboth get set off from the beach every year. People flock to the boardwalk or down onto the beaches to watch the show.

16. Go to the boardwalk.

The Rehoboth boardwalk was named "America's Best Boardwalk" by American Profile Magazine. It's a mile long lined with games, shops, hotel, and eateries.

17. Get ice cream at Kohr Bros.

Kohr Bros is the place to go for delicious frozen custard.

18. Go crabbing.

Crabs are definitely my favorite seafood. While there are great places to buy a bushel of crabs in Rehoboth, they are so much tastier when you catch them and cook them yourself- with tons of Old Bay of course!

19. Get a sandwich from Frank and Louie's.

Frank and Louie's Italian Specialties is a family favorite. It's run by two brothers, who know my father by name because he comes in so often. They have incredible sandwiches and desserts.

20. Go to Jungle Jim's Water Park.

Jungle Jim's is a great place for family fun. It has a water park, bumper boats, batting cages, mini golf courses, and a go-kart track.

21. Run a 5K.

Rehoboth Beach hosts numerous races throughout the year.

22. See the Holiday Tree Lighting.

Every year, there is a holiday tree lighting ceremony where a huge tree in front of the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand that gets lit, accompanied by a holiday sing-a-long.

23. Visit the Rehoboth Art League.

Located in the Henlopen Acres, the Art League is a great place to spend the afternoon looking at beautiful art.

24. Visit an arcade.

Arcades are fun for people of all ages, and there are plenty on the boardwalk to enjoy.

25. Take a picture on a lifeguard chair.

Taking a picture every year is a tradition for my family. Rehoboth Beach is my second home. I'll be counting down the days until I can go back.

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