Sometimes, there are things in life we desperately do not want to do. Checking grades is one of the things I absolutely detest in life. It is quite literally the bane of my existence. For some reason, my desire to jump into a volcano grows immensely whenever I even think about going online to check my grades. Even if I know I did a decent job, I just do not want to check them. Like, ever. Here’s a list of things I would much rather do than check my grades!
- Do laundry
- Lick a hobo’s foot
- Go to the dentist and get 12 cavities filled
- Clean every Taco Bell bathroom in the state
- Come home to this
- Watch “Shrek is Love, Shrek Is Life” 30 times in a row
- Eat 200 chicken nuggets and not share with anyone
- Sit through Thanksgiving dinner with all my extended family
- Live an entire year without internet access
- Go to a Trump rally
- Tell my friend there’s spinach stuck in her teeth after she talks to her crush
- Read a textbook about snails
- Serenade a total stranger
- Go to the gym and see someone I hate
- Re-live middle school
- Dance in public with no background music
- Learn how to play the bassoon
- Sell all my sister’s closet without telling her
- Go to the DMV
- Fall into a ditch then just lay there, sad and desperate
- Give a terrible speech
- Bang my head on a table, until there are bruises and splinters on my forehead
- Listen to “Gangnam Style” on repeat for a week
- Flirt with a very attractive person, then get rejected
- Cry