Lately, the world has been a kinda scary place to live in. With so many terrorist attacks, natural disasters, horrific shootings, and angry protestors, it can seem really hard to crack a smile. It's easy to feel hopeless and afraid of the world, but with the Holiday season right around the corner it seems wrong to be anything but jolly. Life can be scary, but don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game! Even though the world can be frightening, here are 25 things to make you smile right now.
1. This video of a puppy stampede.
So fluffyyyyy
2.This baby panda playing in the snow for the first time.
See a video of this magical moment here.
3.This picture of a snowy day.
4.And this picture of a perfectly sunny one.
Nature's pretty cool, huh.
5.The fact that weekends exist.
6.The fact that sweatpants exist.
7.The fact that Netflix exists.
Because I would be nothing without those three.
8.This picture of pizza that looks so good it's emotional.
9.Remembering fun times with your best friend(s) from high school.
10.Looking back at old pictures of yourself from the 2000's.
For example, here is mirror selfie of me circa 2009, featuring my fab Juicy hoodie and my tongue. (These might also make you cry a little bit, too).
12. This picture of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake from 2001.
Never Forget.
13.THIS little kid.
He really gets it.
14.Remembering that pizza delivery exists.
15.Remembering you always have friends who will make you laugh
And stay by your side no matter what happens.
16. This picture of snuggly puppies.
This is picture is everything.
17.Remembering that taking baths still exist and they rock.
And then taking one as soon as you possibly can.. with a Lush BathBomb, because TREAT YO SELF.
18.This insanely delicious looking Frappuccino.
19.This wonderful field of flowers.
20. Remembering there are only a couple weeks left until winter break and then the Holiday's are here!
(Just don't think about the amount of finals you have to take before winter break. That will make you sad.)
21.This chocolate lava cake.
Make this tasty treat at home by following this recipe.
22. Knowing that fuzzy socks exist.
and that they sell them at Target for like $3.99
23.Looking at a picture and thinking about how truly fun college can be.
24.This fluffy kitten.
25. Remembering that your smile can brighten someone else's day.
So remember to smile :)