There are so many things that I wish someone had told me when I was growing up. We all need someone to guide us, but let us make our own mistakes as well. When I have a family of my own, there are things that I want my daughter to know and remember throughout her entire life.
1. That boy may not matter in a year.
You might love him, but that doesn't mean he will always be around. Don't change yourself for someone just because it's what they want. If you want to make a change in yourself, do it because you want to.
2. School is important, but so is your health.
I spent so much time trying to get "perfect attendance" and get the highest grades possible. It is important to get a good education, but taking care of yourself when you are sick or need a mental health break is more important. School will always be there, but your health, both physical and mental, need attention immediately.
3. Mental health is so important.
Your mental health affects every other aspect of your health. It should be one of your top priorities.
4. Friendships aren't a one-way street.
You give and take. You shouldn't put your all into a friendship or any relationship where the other person doesn't reciprocate. If they don't act like a true friend or only reach out when they need something, they're not worth your time or energy.
5. Don't be afraid to let go of someone.
Not everyone is meant to stay in our lives forever. Sometimes you need to let go of something to gain something. Don't hold on to someone because you're afraid of them leaving.
6. It's not OK to objectify yourself.
Never objectify for someone else. You are more than just an object. You do not belong to anyone. You have a beautiful soul that is so much more than what's on the outside.
7. Your parents aren't always right.
This doesn't mean to disrespect them because they're wrong. They want what's best for you, but sometimes their views will be different. If you have a disagreement, settle things amicably. A screaming match won't get you anything besides a sore throat and a headache.
8. Let go of the past.
You won't always forget, but you shouldn't dwell on the past. It can't be changed and the only real way to move on is to just move on.
9. Forgiving someone doesn't make you weak.
Knowing when someone is worthy of being forgiven is when they prove that they deserve it. Allowing yourself to forgive someone shows strength and your ability to take a higher road, not hold grudges, and do what's right.
10. Don't be too stubborn.
We all need to stand our ground sometimes, but the last thing you want to be is stubborn. Have an open mind, but also don't lose sight of what you think and how you feel.
11. Spend time doing the things that you love.
You won't look back and regret going to that concert or spending hours at an art museum. Do what makes you happy. Life isn't all about work. It's about living to the fullest.
12. Your weight does not define you.
All girls struggle with their body image at some point. What matters is that you are comfortable with yourself and not what other people think. If you are happy with yourself and it's not affecting your health, embrace your body.
13. Step out of your comfort zone.
Don't always settle for the same old routine. Mix it up. Try something different. You won't know unless you try.
14. Don't be afraid to be yourself.
There will always be people who will judge and criticize you. The only thing that matters is your feelings towards yourself. You want to be an artist? Go for it. You want to look a certain way? Do it.
15. Remember the good times.
When you think back, it should be the happy moments that stick in your head, not the bad.
16. Take lots of pictures.
There's nothing better than looking through pictures and telling the stories behind them. Most of them will make you smile.
17. Be kind to those in need.
There will always be others less fortunate than you, but do not look down on them for that. If a girl in your class is struggling with the material that you understand, help him. If a boy in the cafeteria can't afford a lunch, buy one for him. A little kindness goes a long way.
18. Don't be ashamed of where you come from.
We all wish that our pasts were different at some point. Maybe we wish we had a different family, or that we grew up in a better neighborhood. You control the outcome from the situation you are in. Let it teach you and guide you to a better self.
19. Be careful of envy.
It's OK to be a little envious, but it can be dangerous. It can motivate you to work harder for something, or it could turn your world upside down. You control it; it does not control you.
20. Love endlessly.
Love your friends. Love your family. Love your pets. Love strangers. Love the lunch ladies at school that always greet you with a warm smile. Love everything, and allow everything to love you.
21. Smile.
Smile at everyone and everything. Smile until your face hurts. Smile for pictures. Keep a smile on your face and it will make you a happier person.
22. Never settle for less.
Don't settle for a job because you think you have to. Don't settle for a boy because you're afraid you won't find another. Don't settle for a life that you could make better.
23. Don't be too hard on yourself.
You will have good days and bad days. You will achieve and you will fail. Life will have highs and lows, but you will be OK in the end. Keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel.
24. Dream as big as the sky.
Nothing is out of reach if you put your all into it. Even if you don't get there, you may find something just as great along the way.
25. Enjoy life.
You only get one life. Enjoy every waking moment.