25 Things Millennials Needed To Learn In 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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25 Things Millennials Needed To Learn In 2017

Never underestimate the power of a simple smile.

25 Things Millennials Needed To Learn In 2017

A common practice as the year is coming to an end is to reflect on all that has happened over the last 11.5 months.

A lot happened in 2017 that were learning moments — both good and bad. One of the things that I have noticed most this year is how much I have learned and have changed from what I have learned from other people.

I decided to reach out to 25 different people to create a list of things that they learned. Hopefully it will help you reflect on what you've learned in 2017, too.

1. People come and go. Keep those who you really love close to you and you'll have good friends forever.

2. We have to try our hardest to live in the moment and appreciate what we have all the time because we never know when it's going to change or be taken away.

3. Guidance counselors can be your best friend when applying to college.

4. Do what works best for you and don't care what others are expecting of you. Staying clear of their thoughts only makes you happier in the long-run and keeps you focused on the things that you want to accomplish in your life.

5. I’ve learned how important smiles and saying "hello" are.

6. Sometimes it’s OK to be a little “selfish” and to take care of yourself before you help and take care of others. Oftentimes, I have a problem with donating a lot of my time to helping others, which I love to do, but I forget to take care of myself. I’ve learned that it’s OK to make yourself a priority sometimes and be a little “selfish” by saying no to tutoring a friend so that you can have lunch that day. It’s like on an airplane, you have to help yourself before you can really help others and make a difference.

7. You have to be gentle with yourself. It's easy to get caught up with "I could've done this better" or "I should have done that", but at the end of the day, you're doing the best that you can and you should be proud of yourself for that.

8. Everyone in college is looking to make friends and are just as nervous as you are. As dumb as it sounds, if you be yourself, you’ll find others that will appreciate who you are.

9. If you feel like you are biting off more than you can chew, you probably are. Don't overwhelm yourself/overextend yourself. Find one or two clubs that you like and join them. You will be busy with your schoolwork.

10. I like the saying, “It seems impossible until it’s done.” I’ve learned that many things in college, especially nursing school, seem impossible to complete and accomplish, but somehow you just push through, work hard and get it done. Then you look back and think, “Remember when I thought I couldn’t do that?” You did do it, though. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything.

11. It is important to stand up for what you believe in.

12. Constantly push yourself to try new things and break your boundaries. You may find new interests, meet new people and make some of the best memories possible.

13. Surround yourself with good friends that will always be there for you no matter what.

14. The importance of focusing more on myself and taking some "me" time. It's important to step back from our crazy schedules to watch Netflix for a half hour or take a nap. It really relaxes you and keeps you focused to continue with homework.

15. Forgiveness

16. Relying on, and opening up, to other people feels good and makes life better.

17. I learned not only about myself, but also about other people. We are all more alike than we think and we all deserve to feel loved and appreciated.

18. Putting yourself first sometimes is not a selfish thing to do.

19. Being different is not a bad thing, so it’s best to follow your heart in everything that you do.

20. It’s important to make connections; with a person you’ve seen in passing at Happy Hour, with a professor who said something that peaked your interest in office hours or with a staff member who makes really good banana bread in the dining hall. I’ve learned to take advantage of the time to learn the stories of as many people as I can. Through their stories, I learn more about myself.

21. The most important thing that I learned was to be yourself. Coming into college, I was really nervous about making friends and thought that I couldn't do certain things that I liked doing in high school (like Campus Ministry). However, because I did them and was myself, I met the nicest people and friends that I know I'll have for the rest of my life.

22. I learned how to be more independent and to be open to meeting a lot of people.

23. The past year has taught me that it’s OK when life doesn’t go according to the plan that you may have for yourself. Looking back over the past year, the lesson was a consistent theme. My first job (that I was NOT excited about) led me to my current job, which is a dream. My living situation will change in a matter of months because I had a great friend recently move to my city. Also, grad school? I’m about to graduate in May! So everything does happen for a reason. It’s OK when the plan doesn’t go accordingly.

24. Take advantages of the classes at the RecPlex.

25. Everything happens for a reason. As much as that reason might stink, more often than not, there is something that we can learn from it and use to grow and to better understand ourselves.

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