If I could go back in time and tell my younger self some advice, it would be this:
1. Don't take everything so seriously.
It's okay to joke around, get some dirt on your clothes and cry every now and then.
2. You don't have to have a best friend.
Best friends are great, but growing up you're just friends with the people you're around. Don't let that dictate your worth.
3. You are absolutely unique.
Yes, I'm talking about you. You don't need the latest fashion trends to "fit in" because honestly, fitting in is the most depriving thing you could do to and for yourself. Life is better when you don't belong to a certain crowd.
4. Grades do not define you.
Yes, good grades are good things to have, but don't let them rule your life. There's so much more to life than the Honor Roll.
5. Absolutely everyone goes through the chubby stage in middle school.
It's not just you, so get over it.
6. Get rid of the toxic people in your life as soon as you can.
Stop wasting your time and energy on the people who are only putting you down.
7. Dream on.
Don't let anyone crush your dreams, not even your parents.
8. Dating is overrated, wait until college. Seriously.
Need I say more?
9. Church isn't a place to meet up with your friends, it's a place of worship.
True faith changes everything. You just have to decide if you want it or not.
10. Save your money.
You don't need the latest whatever. Save your money so that when you're older you can actually live your life.
11. Join more sports.
Sports are fun and keep you fit, plus college sports are cool, keep that in mind.
12. Live in the present.
Stop dreaming about the future because time flies faster and faster the older you get.
13. Learn to love spending time alone.
You're not always going to be invited to events and that only continues. Learn to love that solo time and not be hindered by it.
14. Know your values and stand firm in them.
Knowing what you want when you get older can save you a massive headache.
15. Embrace your passions.
Do what you love to do and even try knew things while you still have the time and resources.
16. Spend more time with your family.
They won't always be around.
17. You're not the only one.
Whether you believe it or not, someone else guaranteed feels the same way or has the same problem.
18. Don't settle.
For anything. Not judgments, misconceptions, grades, friends, relationships, etc. Anything.
19. Work is good but in moderation.
You're going to work most of your life, be a kid now and an adult later.
20. Naps are your friend.
Take them, whenever you possibly can.
21. Failure is okay.
If you fail at something, that means you're trying. Failure is a part of life and it builds your character.
22. It's okay to not have anything figured out.
College students still don't have anything figured out.
23. Keep posting to social media minimal.
Facebook memories are detrimental. Not only this but your entire life does not need to be public.
24. Be confident in yourself.
You're the only you there is and loving yourself and being confident in yourself changes everything. How you carry yourself, live your life, and even how you love others.
25. Write letters to your future self.
This shows your progress, your goals, your hopes and dreams. It's a present to yourself every year that you won't regret.