“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson
The above quote will undoubtedly put, anyone who has been bitten by that most infectious travel bug, in their feels. Immediately. We're the group that has no intentions of settling down. The group that fantasizes about that next adventure. The group that lives to experience new things and places, whether its a day trip to a nearby town or a flight around the world. We're the wandering souls and these are some of our symptoms.
1. You’ve dreamed of meeting your future spouse in a foreign land.

2. You have this ideal, romantic fantasy trip you’ll take with your significant other one day.

3. You randomly search airfares to dream destinations/plan itineraries for trips you aren’t even going on.

4. You wish Ryanair would come to America and start offering $30 flights abroad.

5. Some of the most content moments in your life were spent on a plane or train with your headphones on or a book in front of you.

6. The idea of graduating and starting the perpetual grind that is a “career” deeply saddens you.
7. When getting to know someone one of the first questions you ask is, “What is your dream travel destination/if you could be one place in the world where would it be?

8. People react like this when the words, "When I was abroad...", leave your mouth.
9. You're fascinated by foreign languages.

10. You make an effort to befriend people with different cultures and nationalities from yourself.

11. You have a deep interest in maps and political geography. As a matter of fact, you probably have a map or globe in your abode.

12. You have a PhD in “minimalist packing.”

13. Someone, probably a parent or authority figure, has labeled your desire to travel and not settle down “irresponsible” or some other gear-grinding synonym.

14. You like to flip through your passport and look at your stamps.
15. Traveling through the Schengen Area in Europe is kinda bittersweet because you’re probably not going to get any stamps…
16. You look at A LOT of your old travel photos.

17. You cook/eat foreign cuisine as much as possible.
18. You’ve been asked “where did you get that (insert article of clothing)” and you respond “Italy” while the inquirer was expecting something like “Banana Republic.”
19. You have random clock/weather locations saved on your phone from around the world.

20. You’re always on the lookout for career opportunities abroad.

21. Travel blogs are an addiction.
22. You like indie adventure films.

23. The idea of spending the weekend in an 8-bed hostel dorm excites you.
24. You’re okay with cyclical nature of Wanderlust. The only cure is to travel more, but more travel leads to more wanderlust.
25. “Home” is where your next adventure takes you.
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